So there's that. They do present many studies that back up the efficacy of helmets, but I'm not sure that helmet laws work (though they have data that implies they do). And, of course, it mandatory helmet use is a good idea for cyclists, why not pedestrians and motorists? With cons...
Also bagged were the skate/bike helmets which means that Nathan can't skate for two weeks. He is not pleased. At all. I've made a few OMG I AM SO SO SORRY TO TELL YOU. . . calls. So far, none of their friends have it (which is driving me crazy a little because where did...
For cyclists who did not want to transport their own bikes along, arrangements were also made by Star Cruises, in a collaboration with Taiwanese bike company Giant Bicycles, for cyclists to rent a full set of bikes, helmets and safety equipment. For the rental bikes, we had been required to...
I should mention now the one great failing of this entire enterprise. In the show, the aliens have a funny pitch-shifting effect on their voice. I felt it was pretty crucial to capture this, and to that end, we bought a couple voice-changing Darth Vader helmets from Target. I dismantled...
In March of 2020, my oldest son tried to hang himself. He was 11 years old. My youngest child witnessed the entire thing–she’s the one who alerted me. She was 6 years old. Our middle kid, who was 8 at the time, was in the house but didn’t see it happen. ...