This table can be sorted by proper shipping name, UN/NA ID and/or by primary hazard class/division. ERG (Emergency Response Guidebook)Have you ever wondered what those four digit numbers on the placards on the side of trucks and rail cars mean? Our online 2004ERG will give you your ...
DOT Hazard Class 9: Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles. A material that presents a hazard during transport, but which is not included in another hazardousfreight classification. ORM-D: Other regulated material. A material that, although otherwise subjected to regulations, presents a limited...
DOT hazard class 4 - hazardous materials placards - are HM215 compliant. Order from Labelmaster. Many ship next day!
Class 8 Corrosives Class 9 MiscellaneousClass 2 Compressed Gasses49CFR 173.115 Pages: Class 2 Explanation Listing of Class 2 Materials U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Title 49 Section 172 shipping regulations and proper shipping names of class 2 Compressed Gasses. ...
This construction pattern turned out to be a major fire hazard, as fires spread easily from one side of the street to the other. Consequently, the next style to emerge, in the same narrow streets, were houses that leaned away from each other. In Paris, none of these very early houses ...
CLASS9-MISCELLANEOUSDANGEROUSGOODS[IATAref.3.9.1;CFRref.173.140);IMDG2.9]26 U.S.DOTHazardClasses28 CombustibleLiquids28 ORM-D28 ConsumerCommodity(IATAPackingInstruction910)28 QuantityLimitsforConsumerCommoditiesbyAir29 ConsumerCommoditybyOcean29 Unit2Review30 EXERCISES-Unit2:ClassesandDivisions31 UNIT3-MARKI...
Determining: Hazard Class, Packing Group, Multiple Hazard Classes, Proper Shipping Name172.101 Hazardous Material Table (HMT) Columns 1– 10 (Part 172, Subpart B)Packaging:Definitions General Packing Requirements Selecting Specification Packaging Applicability, Responsibility, and Marking UN Specification ...
Labelmaster's Hazmat Placard Finder makes it simple to find the DOT hazard class placards your company needs. Order your hazmat shipping placards today.
14.3Transport hazard class(es) ADR/RID: no data availableIMDG: no data availableIATA: no data available 14.4Packing group, if applicable ADR/RID: no data availableIMDG: no data availableIATA: no data available 14.5Environmental hazards ADR/RID: NoIMDG: NoIATA: No ...
2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture GHS Classification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910 (OSHA HCS)H302 Acute toxicity, Oral Category 4H410Hazardous to the aquatic environment, Long term hazard Category 1 2.2 GHS Label elements, including Hazard and Precautionary Statement(s)P...