The ISMP list of error-prone abbreviations, symbols, and dose designations states that the use of abbreviations for antiretroviral medications (e.g., DOR, TAF, TDF) during the medication use process should be avoided as their use has been associated with serious medication errors.[505] ...
measuring device, within-product inconsistency between dosing directions on the bottle's label and dose markings on enclosed measuring device, across-product use of nonstandard units and abbreviations, and presence of abbreviation definitions.Measuring devices were packaged with 148 of 200 products (74.0...
Abbreviations MAG: Medication administration guide ARC: Augmented renal clearance CPB: Cardiopulmonary bypass surgery SCr: Serum creatinine AKI: Acute kidney injury MRSA: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus MSSA: Methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus IDSA: Infectious Disease Society of ...
3. Drug labels should refer to measured or estimated GFR without specifying the methodology to be used for drug dosing Abbreviations: AKI, acute kidney injury; CKD, chronic kidney disease; eCLcr, estimated creatinine clearance; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; mGFR, measured glomerular ...
(44) Abbreviations: ANC, absolute neutrophil count; Hgb, hemoglobin; IPSS, International Prognostic Scoring System; MDS, myelodysplastic syndrome; MDS-U, myelodysplastic syndrome-unclassified; RA, refractory anemia; RAEB, refractory anemia with excess blasts; RARS, refractory anemia with ringed sidero...
Therefore, use of non-metric units for oral dosing of liquid medications no longer is an acceptable practice. Conclusion Key factors contributing to dosing errors with oral liquid medications include use of multiple volumetric units and abbreviations; failure to institute policies and procedures that ...
Hypothyroid medications require precise dosing and careful monitoring Thyroid disease spectrum Abbreviations: AACE, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists; ATA, American Thyroid Association; NACB, National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry TSH levels alone may not be diagnostic of a thyroid disorder...
Our results support the use of CKD-EPI for risk stratification among patients undergoing PCI. Key Words catheterization; chronic; coronary disease; creatinine; renal insufficiency; risk assessment Abbreviations and Acronyms AKI, acute kidney injury; BIS1, Berlin Initiative Study; CKD, ...
Maximizing the therapeutic benefits of pain medications is anticipated to improve overall patients' wellbeing and reduce healthcare costs. Future studies and real-world data collection will assist in implementing these systems in routine care. Abbreviations CNCP, chronic non-cancer pain; PMPs, ...
oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, or a developmental disorder. Participants also will be excluded if they have a moderate or severe substance use disorder in the past 6 months, use of psychotropic medications (except for antidepressant med...