Since the source terms may involve various particle sizes and the resolution may change from one application to another, this built-in module does not restrict the dose conversion factor values to a fixed list of particle sizes. 由于源项可能涉及不同的颗粒粒度,并且分辨率可能随应用不同而不同,所...
英文缩写 DCF 英文全称Dose Conversion Factor 中文解释剂量转换系数 缩写分类医药卫生, CAS自动指挥系统 CAS可计算空速 CAS现行评估摘要 CAS协同空袭 CAS捕获评估系统 CAS航空电子座舱系统 CAS鸭式飞机制动器系统 CAS保角天线系统 CAS偶发事件警报系统 CAS通用飞机维修 ...
英文缩写 DCF 英文缩写DCF 英文全称Dose Conversion Factor 中文解释剂量转换系数 DCF意思,DCF的意思,DCF是什么意思?爱站小工具网缩写频道为您提供有关于DCF的解释和缩写,剂量转换系数的英文缩写是什么
5) Conversion Factor 转换因子 1. However,this paper holds that the tax-free feature of T-bonds is undermining its becoming the underlying benchmark for financial futures,as the gap in the yield rates of same-dated,yet different-rated,T-bonds in the cash bond market is too wide even for...
Dose conversion factorHigh energy X-rayAn evaluation of the dose conversion factor from graphite to water is essential to measure the absorbed dose to water using a graphite calorimeter. However, it is difficult to obtain the conversion factors from measurements. In the present study, Monte Carlo...
The dose conversion factor (DCF) which gives the relationship between effective dose and potential alpha energy concentration of inhaled short-lived radon decay products is calculated with a dosimetric approach. The calculations are based on a lung dose model with a structure that is related to the...
PDCFPathway Dose Conversion Factor PDCFPrevention and Detection of Corporate Fraud PDCFPump Down Cement Float PDCFProduct Description and Classification Forum PDCFPitch-Derived-Carbon-Foam PDCFPrivate Domestic Capital Formation PDCFPolicy Dialogue and Convening Facility(South Africa) ...
2) Absorbed dose conversion factor 吸收剂量换算因子3) Mass Conversion 质量换算4) energy conversion 能量换算5) Capacity Conversion 容量换算 1. Apply the Principle of Capacity Conversion of Capacitor and Quick Determination the Inside Break Point of Cable; 运用电容器容量换算原理快速判定电缆内部...
The results of this report are further analyzed in the ''Biosphere Dose Conversion Factor Importance and Sensitivity Analysis''. The objective of this analysis was to develop the BDCFs for the volcanic ash exposure scenario and the dose factors for calculating inhalation doses during volcanic ...
dose conversion factor (DCF)UNSCEARCa-Mg-HCO3 is the major hydrochemical facies in the study area, with cation facies belonging to Ca-Na (95.84%) and Ca-Mg (4.16%) and the anion facies being Cl-SO4-HCO3 (100%). The concentration of alkaline earths exceeded that of alkalies (viz., Ca...