Dorothy Parker was one of the most successful and influential women writers of her era. Dorothy Rothschild was born on August 22, 1893 in West End, N.J. Her mother was Scottish and her father Jewish. She was “a late unexpected arrival in a loveless family”. At the age of four her ...
Parker's use of language is also evident in the way that she structures the interview. The questions and answers are often short and snappy, with each one building on the last. There is a sense of momentum and energy to the piece, as if Parker is trying to keep the reader engaged and...
0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 待分类 系统标签: dorothyparker帕克poetryarchivebyron ClassicPoetrySeries DorothyParker -poems- PublicationDate: 2004 Publisher: PoemHunter.Com-TheWorld'sPoetryArchive .PoemHunter-TheWorld'sPoetryArchive2 "StarLight,StarBright--" Star,thatgivesagraciousdole, WhatamIto...
Poems By Dorothy Parker Afternoon "Star Light, Star Bright--" A Very Short Song A Well-Worn Story A Certain Lady See All Poems by Dorothy Parker Next Poem 2 / 192 Previous Poem Dorothy Parker Long Branch / New Jersey
Dorothy Parker, a renowned American writer, is widely known for her sharp wit and humor. However, her literary works such as poems, short stories, and essays are equally powerful, evocative, and thought-provoking. "Daylight Saving," one of Parker's most popular poems, is an example of her...
Parker’s short stories, as well as several poems, and it was eventually published in the U.S. under the titleThe Portable Dorothy Parker. Among all of the “Portable” sets from Viking Press, only Parker’s, Shakespeare’s, and the volume dedicated to the Bible have never been out of...
The Portable Dorothy Parker By Dorothy Parker. Introduction by Marion Meade. Cover by Seth. Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition Penguin Books (2006) Paperback, 628 pages This is the bible for Dorothy Parker lovers. “The Portable” contains Mrs. Parker’s short stories, poems, book reviews and Broa...
“Résumé”isfrom Parker’s first volume of poetry entitledEnough Rope(published 1926). The following poems are also taken from that collection: . “The Small Hours” . No more my little song comes back; And now of nights I lay
Poems By Dorothy Parker A Fairly Sad Tale A Very Short Song Resumé "Star Light, Star Bright--" A Well-Worn Story See All Poems by Dorothy Parker Next Poem 122 / 192 Previous Poem Dorothy Parker Long Branch / New Jersey ...
She then became known for her short, humorous poems. Most of her pieces were about the assumed ludicrousness of her several – yet unsuccessful – romantic affairs. The next decade proved to be Parker’s best in terms of success and productivity. In the ‘20s alone, she was able to publi...