Dorothy Day Homeless Center Plans Major Expansion near Downtown St. PaulThe Dorothy Day Center, a homeless center run by CatholicCharities, needs to expand by moving...Kimball, Joe
so this is something I have data for. Contemporary and present-day critics interested in women’s writing of DR’s period write about these authors, as well as Woolf and Richardson: Rose Allatini, Edith Bagnold, Mrs Baillie-Reynolds, Stella Benson, Mary Borden, Phyllis Bottome, Lettice ...
seen here in 1931. According toLaurie Gwen Shapiro,street mayors “were likable fixers who cut through red tape and might settle between fifteen and twenty neighborhood disputes a day.” Photo at left (byBerenice Abbott) is a scene from McCathy’...
My sister played the piano. It was a rare day when we weren’t singing in the house to her accompaniment. But it was just the sort of thing you might find in almost any home anywhere. I always sang in my father’s church. But it was while in a public grammar school that I was ...
Someone once gave me a T-shirt that says “So many books, so little time” and if that T-shirt hadn’t been too small, I’d have worn it the other day while cleaning out my bookshelves. (I apologize to whoever gave me the shirt, but it’s going in the donation bag .. . as ...
Day after day another story sends us spinning to find an escape. We keep hoping Robert Mueller and his investigation will free us. Surely something, somewhere, somehow, someone will free us from this madness. The short answer is nope. That’s not the way we stop this. The answer has ...
St. Paul Ponders Future of Dorothy Day Center for NeedyMany cities have familiar gateways: St. Louis, has its Arch; SanFrancisco, the Golden Gate...Boyd, Cynthia
A proposal to relocate the Dorothy Day Center to St. Paul's EastSide was abruptly pulled off the...Boyd, Cynthia
St. Paul Officials Reverse Course, Will Rebuild Dorothy Day Homeless Center in DowntownAn ambitious plan to rebuild the Dorothy Day homeless centeroutside of downtown St. Paul and...By KimballJoe
A New Day for the Dorothy Day CenterTwice a day, in the morning and in late afternoon, the DorothyDay Center in downtown St. Paul...Callaghan, Peter