Going off to college can be a stressful experience for freshmen all over the world. Not only will it be the first time living away from home, it may also be the first time sharing a room or living space with someone else, and having a new set of responsibilities. Living with people yo...
and perhaps even ironing. Keeping the room clean so that it doesn’t start to smell, and generally caring for themselves. You wouldn’t believe how many college kids hygiene levels drop in the first couple of months because they just can’t look after themselves. They have the stress of m...
Read this next → Your Dorm Room Checklist: Essentials You Need to Buy BEST DORM TAPESTRIES: Tapestries are a great way to decorate a dorm room because they take up so much space (and can cover as much of the ugly dorm room walls as possible). They are also CHEAP. There are a ton...
Ready to tackle the checklist? These dorm room ideas will help them outfit their new digs and get them settled into college life on the right note. Shop our edit, ahead: 1 BESTEK Power Outlet Strip CHECK PRICE He and his roommate will be clamoring for the little space that they have,...
经典unit-1-college-dorm-life 1CollegeDormLifeJeffMcGuire1.Ifyou'vejustgraduatedfromhighschoolandarepreparingforwhatmightbeyourfirstyearofcollegedormlife,youprobablyhavealotofquestionsandconcerns.Youmaybefacingthefirsttimeyou'veeversharedaroom,especiallywithsomeonetowhomyou'renotrelated.Whatifyoudon'tgetalong...
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