Dorm room 206 Key(206 Key) 是逃离塔科夫中的钥匙。 介绍 A dorm room key with 206 tag on it. 任务 This is a required location for the questOperation Aquarius - Part 1 钥匙生成地点 夹克 Scav 的口袋和背包 可解锁地点 The second floor of the two-story dorms onCustoms. ...
Dorm room 214 Key(Room 214 Key) 是逃离塔科夫中的钥匙。 介绍 A dorm room key with 214 tag on it. 注意 PMC物品栏最多同时存放2个 任务 This is an optional quest location for the QuestShaking up tellerif you don't have aDorm room 203 Key ...
Dorm room 220 Key 文件:Key-Type1.png 文件:Key-220-Icon.png 总览 类型 Key 重量 0.01 kg 占用格数 1x1 用途 用途 Unlocks dorm room 220 in the three story dorms on Customs. 存放 钱包 否 钥匙收纳 可 文件包 可 小型S I C C 包 可 安全箱 可Dorm room 220 Key (Room 220 Key) 是逃离...
Dorm room 110 Key(110 Key) 是逃离塔科夫中的钥匙。 介绍 A dorm room key with 110 tag on it. 钥匙生成地点 夹克 Scav 的口袋和背包 海关 The key spawns in a locker that is located in a warehouse on the eastern side. Dorm2 Key 110 Map Location.png ...
Dorm room 303 Key(303 Key) 是逃离塔科夫中的钥匙。 介绍 A dorm room key with 303 tag on it. 任务 This is a location for the questGolden swag 1 needs to be found for the questTrust regain 钥匙生成地点 夹克 Scav 的口袋和背包 可解锁地点 ...