(code=Unexpected, target=null, message=Query table information failed, table name=table_hash, error massage=No enum constant com.oceanbase.tools.dbbrowser.model.DBTableColumn.KeyType.DUP), Error.Detail(code=UnexpectedException, target=null, message=Query table information failed, table name=table_...
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 2: Unexpected exception: Unable to marshall request to JSON: host must not be null. [root@vm30 ~]# ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 2: Unexpected exception: Unable to marshall request to JSON: host must not be null.主机名必须不能为空。这里加了协议,根据官方的...
ERROR 1064 (HY000): Unexpected exception: null2、另外in subquery子查询改写时,需要支持null_aware_anti_join, 否则not in subquery改写成anti join的话,假设subquery中包含null的话,doris的子查询改写输出的结果可能是错的(null aware anti join需要对null值特殊处理,原因同1)。下面的sql应该返回empty set。mysql...
ERROR 1064 (HY000): Unexpected exception: null2、另外in subquery子查询改写时,需要支持null_aware_anti_join, 否则not in subquery改写成anti join的话,假设subquery中包含null的话,doris的子查询改写输出的结果可能是错的(null aware anti join需要对null值特殊处理,原因同1)。下面的sql应该返回empty set。mysql...
mysql>select*fromt1order bynow(); ERROR1105(HY000): errCode=2, detailMessage=Unexpected exception:null Anything Else? Error message infe.log. 2021-12-28 15:04:23,922 WARN (doris-mysql-nio-pool-7|203) [StmtExecutor.analyze():571] Analyze failed because java.lang.IllegalStateException: null...
ERROR 1064 (HY000): errCode = 2, detailMessage = Unexpected exception: null 设置常量折叠为 false: mysql> set enable_fold_constant_by_be=false; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec) mysql> explain -> SELECT year -> ,SUM(income) income_sum ...
{}", originStmt, parser.getErrorMsg(originStmt), e); if (errorMessage == null) {throw e;} else {throw new AnalysisException(errorMessage, e); } } catch (Exception e) {// TODO(lingbin): we catch 'Exception' to prevent unexpected error, // should be removed this try-catch clause ...
-+---+---+---+ | 15002 | hive | hms | | | 16003 | hive_211 | hms | | | 16012 | iceberg | NULL | yes | | 0 | internal | internal | | +---+---+---+---+ 4 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> (5)切换目录 mysql> SWITCH iceberg; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.0...
``` ERROR 1064 (HY000): errCode = 2, detailMessage = Unexpected exception: null ``` In fe.log: ``` java.lang.NullPointerException: null at org.apache.doris.analysis.GroupingInfo.substituteGroupingFn(GroupingInfo.java:186) ~[palo-fe.jar:3.4.0] ...
LOG.debug("origin stmt: {}; Analyze error message: {}", originStmt, parser.getErrorMsg(originStmt), e);if(errorMessage ==null) {throwe;}else{thrownewAnalysisException(errorMessage, e); } }catch(Exception e) {// TODO(lingbin): we catch 'Exception' to prevent unexpected error,// shou...