2.Set gloabal max_allowed_packet=1073741824. 3.Write lager size data to node1 at once, it works 4. Write lager size data to node2 or node3 at once, an "Packet for query is too large (57,067,527 > 4,194,304)"exception pops up. ...
com.mysql.jdbc.PacketTooBigException:Packet for query is too large(1095400>1048576).You can change this value on the server by setting the max_allowed_packet’variable; ··处理:set global max_allowed_packet=102410248; ·账号授权跟MySQL不同,需要注意; ·标准版的周边较少,希望能不断丰富,让更多...
The second is that the packet size of rpc exceeds max_body_size. This problem may occur if the query has a very large String type, or a bitmap type. It can be circumvented by modifying the following BE parameters: Q10. [ Broker load ] org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException: ...
Improved the data shard merging strategy during external table query planning to avoid performance degradation caused by a large number of small shards. ([opt](catalog) merge scan range to avoid too many splits (#38311) #38964) Added attributes such as location to SHOW CREATE DATABASE/TABLE...