注意:在没有添加BE节点采用navicat、datagrip等工具进行链接会报[HY000][1105] errCode = 2, detailMessage = There is no scanNode Backend available… and 1 duplicate reports错误。这时候需要添加BE节点到集群;切记这时候命令行是可正常操作和连接的。 添加BE 节点到集群 通过MySQL 客户端连接到 FE 之后执行下...
num of tablet check round:Tablet Checker 检查次数 cost of tablet check(ms):Tablet Checker 检查总耗时 num of tablet checked in tablet checker:Tablet Checker 检查过的 tablet 数量 num of unhealthy tablet checked in tablet checker:Tablet Checker 检查过的不健康的 tablet 数量 num of tablet being add...
Doris 按 Tablet 为基本单元对数据进行副本存储,默认一个分片有 3 个副本。建表时可在PROPERTIES中设置副本的数量: PROPERTIES ( "replication_num" = "3" ); 1. 2. 3. 4. 下图示例,有两个表分别导入 Doris,表 1 导入后按 3 副本存储,表 2 导入后按 2 副本存储。数据分布如下: Q2:为什么需要分桶?
max_cumulative_compaction_num_singleton_deltas 参数控制一个 CC 任务最多合并多少个数据版本,默认值为 1000。考虑这样一种场景:针对某一个 tablet,其数据版本的增长速度为 1 个 / 秒。而其 CC 任务的执行时间 + 调度时间是 1000 秒(即单个 CC 任务的执行时间加上 Compaction 再一次调度到这个 tablet 的时间...
从上述源码可以看到 Doris 通过底层命令拿到了 totalCapacityB 和 availableCapacityB,dataUsedCapacityB 通过两者相减计算了出来。因此要想 BE 存储的数据在各机器之间均衡,就要尽量消除其他因素导致的 BE 之间磁盘初始使用率不均衡。 本案例中是因为旧机器的磁盘 ext4 存在默认 5% 的保留空间,而新机器的保留空间为 ...
org.apache.doris.common.DdlException:errCode=2,detailMessage=System has no available disk capacity or no available BE nodes at org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService.checkAvailableCapacity(SystemInfoService.java:818)~[doris-fe.jar:1.2-SNAPSHOT]at org.apache.doris.datasource.InternalCatalog.createTab...
That backend node will be the Coordinator. Flink-Doris-Connector 1.4.0 allows users to enable the polling mechanism, which is to have a different backend node to be the Coordinator at each Flink checkpoint to avoid too much pressure on a single backend node for a long time....
( "replication_num" = "1", "compaction_policy" = "time_series", "enable_single_replica_compaction" = "true", "dynamic_partition.enable" = "true", "dynamic_partition.create_history_partition" = "true", "dynamic_partition.time_unit" = "DAY", "dynamic_partition.start" = "-30", "...
with Failed to schemaChange, response: {"msg":"Error","code":1,"data":"Failed to execute sql: java.sql.SQLException: (conn=9) errCode = 2, detailMessage = replication num should be less than the number of available backends. replication num is 3, available backend num is 1","count"...
long availableCapacityB = in.readLong(); this.dataUsedCapacityB = this.totalCapacityB - availableCapacityB; this.diskAvailableCapacityB = availableCapacityB; 从上述源码可以看到 Doris 通过底层命令拿到了 totalCapacityB 和 availableCapacityB,dataUsedCapacityB 通过两者相减计算了出来。因此要想 BE 存储的...