Apache Doris now has a wide user base in China and around the world, and as of today, Apache Doris is used in production environments in thousands of companies worldwide. More than 80% of the top 50 Internet companies in China in terms of market capitalization or valuation have been using...
All right: Susan Sarandon does not resemble the real Doris Duke and is a good 15 years younger and a lot healthier looking than Duke was in the mid-1980's through 1993, when the story takes place; and granted, Ralph Fiennes is far more charming and appealing than the actual Bernard Laff...
'And it's time they did.' Well, right on, sister. 'The thing is, I haven't changed at all,' Lessing informs me unapologetically, as we share a Diet Coke in her living room. 'I'm not any kind of traitor to the cause. I've always thought the same way. It's just that, like...
`id` INT NOT NULL COMMENT "用户id", `age` SMALLINT COMMENT "用户年龄", `cost` BIGINT SUM DEFAULT "0" COMMENT "用户总消费" ) ENGINE=OLAP AGGREGATE KEY(`date`,`id`,`age`) PARTITION BY RANGE(`date`,`id`) ( PARTITION `p201701_1000` VALUES LESS THAN (...
Just like putting small boxes of cargo into a large container, compaction means merging multiple small rowset files into a big one, but it does much more than that. Like I said, the compaction mechanism is an organizing magician:Although the items (data) in each box (rowset) are o...
breakfast at DORIS HOME. Guests can enjoy breakfast offered with an additional charge of 300 TWD for adults if not included in the room rate. You can save more on breakfast costs with Agoda by booking a room with breakfast, which is generally included for less than buying it at the resort...
usedemo;CREATETABLEIFNOTEXISTSdemo.example_tbl(`user_id`LARGEINTNOTNULLCOMMENT"用户id",`date`DATENOTNULLCOMMENT"数据灌入日期时间",`city`VARCHAR(20)COMMENT"用户所在城市",`age`SMALLINTCOMMENT"用户年龄",`sex`TINYINTCOMMENT"用户性别",`last_visit_date`DATETIMEREPLACEDEFAULT"1970-01-01 00:00:00...
// source CREATE TABLE flink_test ( date_1 DATE, datetime_1 TIMESTAMP(6), char_1 CHAR(20), varchar_1 VARCHAR, boolean_1 BOOLEAN, tinyint_1 TINYINT, smallint_1 SMALLINT, int_1 INT, bigint_1 BIGINT, largeint_1 STRING, float_1 FLOAT, double_1 DOUBLE, decimal_1 DECIMAL(27,9) ...
# if you use different ETCD_NAME (e.g. test), set ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER value for this name, i.e. "test=http://..." #ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER="default=http://localhost:2380" #ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER_STATE="new" #ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER_TOKEN="etcd-cluster" ...
The value of the Retry Time for Other Issues parameter must be smaller than the value of the Retry Time for Failed Connections parameter. Enable Throttling for Full Data Migration Specifies whether to enable throttling for full data migration. During full data migration,...