莎莉之声创作的儿童有声书作品Dora the Explorer爱探险的朵拉,目前已更新10个声音,收听最新音频章节224 - School Pet。
Let's go! Enjoy the complete first season of Dora the Explorer! Dora and Boots need your help to overcome all the classic obstacles from their very first adventures, such as Strawberry Mountain, Crocidile Lake, and of course, Swiper the Fox! 2,859IMDb 4.4200026 集X-RayTV-Y 儿童•动画...
第二集 蓝鸟宝宝 Lost and found Dora和Boots正在玩捉迷藏的游戏,突然发现一只从巢里掉到地上,并且...
2: Lost and Found Dora and Boots must reunite a baby blue bird with its mother. Wednesday, August 16th, 2000 3: Hic-Boom-Ohhh Dora and Boots investigate a strange sound. Thursday, August 17th, 2000 4: Beaches Dora gives Boots a floaty to help him swim, and the two head off to...
http://www.rarefile.net/p3y0rifmqu6w/Dora.the.Explorer.S01E01.The.Big.Red.Chicken.avi http://www.rarefile.net/wbx01h269dr3/Dora.the.Explorer.S01E02.Lost.and.Found.avi http://www.rarefile.net/a3qupu74p6zk/Dora.the.Explorer.S01E03.Hic.Boom.Ohh.avi ...
Also, the first two episodes are the only times Dora says, "You can sit down, now!" following the "stand up" prompt. All later episodes don't have that. The first three episodes (The Legend of the Big Red Chicken,Lost and Found, andChoo-Choo!) premiered on the same day. ...
Dora and Boots befriend the Big Red Chicken. Where to Watch Episode 2 Lost and Found Mon, Aug 14, 200025 mins Dora and Boots find a little baby blue bird who fell out of her nest. Where to Watch Episode 3 Hic-Boom-Ohhh Mon, Aug 21, 200025 mins ...
Below is a complete Dora the Explorer episode list that spans the show's entire TV run. Photos from the individual Dora the Explorer episodes are listed along ...
《爱探险的朵拉》(Dora the Explorer)是由美国尼克频道于1995年出品的动画片,是一部风靡全球的美式英语教学片,国内曾由东方卫视少儿频道热播,是专为学龄前儿童及妈妈们设计的中英双语节目。动画片通过朵拉每一次探险的故事,教会孩子在自学成才中有趣实用的英语单词和词组。这套节目精心的故事编排与美丽活泼的画面,给...
所属专辑:Dora the Explorer爱探险的朵拉 音频列表 1 224 - School Pet 4650 2020-03 2 218 - To the Monkey Bars 2865 2020-03 3 211 - Doctor Dora 2706 2020-03 4 201 - The Big Storm(1) 2906 2020-03 5 第1季12Wizzle Wishes 2877 ...