绘本《At The Carnival (Dora The Explorer)(Dora系列,最受欢迎的系列童书之一)》, 绘本内容 这本书为的是赢得嘉年华(给孩子的解说时big play fair, play park之类的,引入carnival这个词)里的最大的奖励,里面有各种的toys, stickers, and treats。听到这孩子眼都放光了,书就这么轻而易举引上道!!先过摩天轮...
Dora the Explorer At the Carnival (机器翻译:朵拉在嘉年华) 作者:Leslie Valdes 出版社:Scholastic ISBN(13位):9780439760805 语种:英语 开本:32 页数:24 市场价:¥ 39.9 装帧成色申东价活动价库存 平装 九成新¥ 12.20¥ 10.740有货通知 内容简介...
dora carnival ticket invitations dora ticket invitations template dora ticket invitations free dora ticket invitations templates Dora Ticket Invitations at Software Informer Dora the Explorer La Casa de Dora The fun begins today with this La Casa de Dora game. ...
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所属专辑:爱探险的朵拉英文绘本Dora the explorer 音频列表 1 Peppa goes swimming 344 2017-05 2 Dora at carnival 279 2017-05 3 It is sharing day 244 2017-04 4 Dora's world adventure 283 2017-01 5 Idea's big dig 235 2017-01 6
259 at the Museum by:Matchbox火柴盒子 2万 At the Beach by:自游自在_qk 205 At Night-The Orioles by:小众style 5574 The Hidden Stairs and the Magic Car by:91reading 2699 百变car by:听友85885318 341 The Beach at Night by:Wendy的音频 8198 English At The Movies by:星宇尘埃 333 the gift...
Dora and Boots need to collect 10 yellow tickets at the carnival to win the big prize: a Big Pinata that contains a surprise. Friday, September 20th, 2002 12: The Happy Old Troll Dora and Boots try to find all the things that make Grumpy Old Troll not so grumpy. Monday, October 14t...