收到raw data后的数据处理问题,关于Range_fft和Doppler_fft之前数据是否需要差分 RangoWang Level 4 10 May 2024 工程师你好:我使用的是Distancs2GoL这款fmcw毫米波雷达,固件参数都是原始的配置,一个Chirp内会采64个点我用matlab采集了一段raw data,应该IF信...
%Doppler FFT doppler_fft = fft(range_fft, [], 2); figure(2); mesh(abs(doppler_fft)); view(2); colorbar; xlabel('Doppler'); ylabel('Range'); title('Range-Doppler'); figure(3); mesh(abs(doppler_fft)); xlabel('Doppler'); ylabel('Ra...
1、range-fft能够理解,对矩阵的列向量做fft可以得到距离信息如下图。 2、但是图中所说的doppler-fft,在这里我就不能理解了,这里是如何做doppler-fft的又怎么求的速度的,从图中没能理解。 3、速度的测量,原理文档中是让求出两个chirp的相位差,通过fft处理求相位差是有两个解的,这个问题怎么解决?
1、我们在Awr1642上的所有数据采集在做了doppler fft之后在matlab上画出的图像当中,总是会在最远端的地方有突起,如下图所示,这个突起我们认为肯定是不正常的(图中红圈部分)。 再在后来我们的研究下,使用了AWR1642+DevPack+TSW1400这套板子采取ADC数据,我们分别采取了实数的ADC数据,和复数的ADC数据,作出图像,在...
A computationally efficient way of carrying out the Doppler dependent pre-Doppler STAP method is developed without performance degradation. It evaluates all Doppler filter outputs by two groups of FFT, which avoids the need to evaluate the adaptive weight vector and to carry out Doppler processing ...
The fundamental theory of a FFT doppler filter is briefly reviewed. Computer programs to plot the responses and improvement factors of these filters are presented in this report. A wide choice of weighting functions are included in these programs. A number of examples are computed and presented. ...
Implement the 2D CFAR process on the output of 2D FFT operation, i.e the Range Doppler Map. The 2D CFAR processing should be able to suppress the noise and separate the target signal The 2D CA-CFAR implementation involves the training cells occupying the cells surrounding the cell under test...
I guess I should define what I mean my comparison. I am aware that the 1d-fft output is 16 bit complex and the range doppler log magnitude is 16 bit real. This just means the 1d-fft output just has to have is complex absolute value generated for comparison purposes and ...
Maximum Likelihood Estimator, FFT Estimator and Cramér-Rao bounds of the laser Doppler frequency: The effect of a particle trajectory through the measurem... This paper considers the problem of estimating acoustic particle velocity and convection velocity in the air by means of laser Doppler velocit...
2D FFT, Doppler effect and CFAR implementation with matlab FMCW Waveform Design FMCW(Frequency-Modulated Continuous Wave) FMCW radar (Frequency-Modulated Continuous Wave radar) is a special type of radar sensor which radiates continuous transmission power. FMCW radar’s ability to measure very small ...