doppler-broadened laser transition基本解释 多普勒展宽激光跃迁 分词解释 laser激光 transition过渡,转变,变迁 猜你喜欢 gamma ray laser射线激光器 argon laser氩激光器 carbon dioxide laser二氧化碳激光(器) cw laser连续激光 demographic transition人口过渡 diode laser二极管激光器 doppler broadening多普勒展宽 doppler ...
Doppler-broadened annihilation radiation spectra have been measured as a function of temperature from 77 K to 300 K, for several high temperature oxide superconductors viz single-phase YBCO, single- and mixed-phase Tl-Ca-Ba-Cu-O and Bi-Ca-Sr-Cu-O compounds. The temperature-dependent parameters...
The results show that due to the effect of Doppler broadening the light speed reduction is significant in a range of ±600MHz one-photon detuning. 结果表明,由于多普勒展宽效应的存在,在单光子频率失谐±600MHz的范围内,光减速效应较为显著。 更多例句>> 3...
We investigate the behavior of fast light pulse propagation in an N-typeDoppler-broadened 4-level atomic system using double Raman gain processes. Thissystem displays novel and interesting results of two controllable pairs of thedouble gain lines profile with a control field. The detailed physics ...
网络杜卜勒扩展共振 网络释义 1. 杜卜勒扩展共振 Agreement... ... doping gradient 掺杂梯度Doppler broadened resonance杜卜勒扩展共振Doppler coefficient 杜卜勒系数 ...|基于 1 个网页
A procedure is described for extracting nuclear lifetimes from the Doppler-broadened γ-ray lineshapes in multiple Coulomb excitation. It is shown that in the region of deformed nuclei the statistical tensors calculated using rotational matrix elements according to the Winther-de Boer multiple Coulomb...
We study electromagnetically-induced transparency (EIT) of a probe field in a Doppler- broadened five-level K-type atomic system driven by three strong laser (coupling) fields. Effect of wave-vector mismatch occurring when the coupling field frequency is higher than that of the probe field ...
Dynamics of slow light and light storage in a Doppler-broadened electromagnetically-induced-transparency medium: A numerical approach. Su, Shih-Wei,Chen, Yi-Hsin,Gou, Shih-Chuan,Horng, Tzyy-Leng,Yu, Ite A. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics . 2011...
visible spectra of atoms/ Doppler-broadened systemscollision-induced resonancenarrow coherent signalbroad population transfer signalHanle level-crossingsdensity matrix perturbation expansionred transitionThis paper discusses the occurrence of collision-induced resonances in a Doppler broadened system. They consist ...
Here we report the generation of subnatural-linewidth (<6 MHz) biphotons from a Doppler-broadened (530 MHz) hot atomic vapour cell. We use on-resonance spontaneous four-wave mixing in a hot paraffin-coated 87Rb vapour cell at 63 °C to produce biphotons with controllable bandwidth ...