PURPOSE: To obtain a Doppler radar in which a measured three-dimensional wind velocity can be comprehended intuitivey by providing a screen for horizontally displaying the wind velocity with vectors of different color on cylindrical coordinates, and a screen for vertically displaying the wind velocity...
Velocity-Azimuth Display Analysis of Doppler Velocity for HIWRAP. The velocity-azimuth display (VAD) analysis technique established for ground-based scanning radar is applied to the NASA High-Altitude Imaging Wind and Rai... Tian,Lin,Heymsfield,... - 《Journal of Applied Meteorology & Climatology...
Range imaging (RIM) is used to describe a constrained optimization signal-processing method that can be applied to wind profilers capable of operating over a small set of distinct transmitter frequencies. The results of the signal-processing method are typically high-resolution maps of the backscatter...
Constant altitude velocity maps (CAVM) were then compared with constant altitude reflectivity maps (CAZM). This comparison, using two different storms, demonstrated that CAVM analysis was superior to CAZM analysis for the detection of severe storm areas. 展开 ...
The concept and formulation of a real-time airborne Doppler radar wind field analysis technique, velocity track display (VTD), is presented. The VTD algorithm is a harmonic analysis method similar to the velocity–azimuth display technique for ground-based radars; however, it is designed to deduce...
Coupling Doppler radar‐derived wind maps with operational turbine data to document wind farm complex flows The first known dual-Doppler (DD) measurements collected within a utility-scale wind farm are presented. Various complex flow features are discussed, inclu... BD Hirth,JL Schroeder,WS Gunter...
The mean motion of particles in a thunderstorm anvil has been measured at various heights and elevation angles by Doppler radar, using the velocity-azimuth scanning mode of Lhermitte and Atlas with the harmonic analysis scheme of Browning and Wexler. An error analysis indicated that the measurement...
UNRAVEL (UNfold RAdar VELocity) is an open-source modular Doppler velocity dealiasing algorithm for weather radars. This algorithm does not require external reference velocity data, making it highly versatile and easily applicable across various contexts. UNRAVEL consists of eleven core modules and two...
The increasing demand for radar data necessitates an automated, flexible, and modular quality control. In this paper a quality control procedure is developed for radar reflectivity factors, polarimetric parameters, and Doppler velocity. It consists of several modules that can be extended, modified, ...
6) tissue velocity Doppler imaging technology 组织速度多普勒成像 1. Research on right ventricular function in neonates with hypoxic-induced pulmonary hypertension by tissue velocity Doppler imaging technology 目的探讨组织速度多普勒成像(TVI)技术评价缺氧性肺动脉高压(HPH)新生儿右心室功能的价值。