Doppler effect <category>Acoustics</category> <icon format="base64">iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAMgAAADICAYAAACtWK6eAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlzAAAN1wAADdcBQiibeAAAABl0RVh0U29mdHdhcmUAd3d3Lmlua3NjYXBlLm9yZ5vuPBoAACAASURBVHic7Z15mB5VlYd/N7JF9k1FZBeQHQUVQcXBBZRlRAUdxm0AURlxmXGAcQN0VNRBcR...
M. Wakim,S. Topcu,L. Chassagne,J. Nasser,Y Alayli,P. Juncar.Highly accurate laser wavelength meter based on Doppler effect. Optics Communication . 2006M. Wakim S. Topcu L. Chassagne J. Nasser Y. Alayli and P. Juncar "http:www.sciencedirect.comscidirimgentitiesREemail.gif" alt="...
Thanks to Luigi (aka@luigifcruzand PU2SPY) for writing in andsubmitting to us his LimeSDR based doppler radar blog post. TheLimeSDR Miniis a low cost two port TX and RX capable SDR. Luigi's doppler based radar makes use of one TX port to transmit the radar signal, and the RX port ...
(*), Elif Afl›k (**), Hüseyin Simavl› (*), Ayfle Gül Koçak Alt›ntafl (*), fiaban fiimflek (*) ÖZET Amaç: ‹ntravitreal triamsinolon asetonid (‹VTA) enjeksiyonu sonras› oküler kan ak›m›nda- ki degifliklikleri renkli doppler ultrasonografi (RDU...
M. Wakim,S. Topcu,L. Chassagne,J. Nasser,Y Alayli,P. Juncar.Highly accurate laser wavelength meter based on Doppler effect. Optics Communication . 2006M. Wakim S. Topcu L. Chassagne J. Nasser Y. Alayli and P. Juncar "http:www.sciencedirect.comscidirimgentitiesREemail.gif" alt="...
Sorrentino, A., Gifuni, A., Ferrara, G., Migliaccio, M.: `Mode-stirred reverberating chamber Doppler spectra: multifrequency measurements and empirical model', IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2014, 8, (15), pp. 1356-1362A. Sorrentino, A. Gifuni, G. Ferrara and M. Migliaccio, "Mode-...
The research studies first focused on the analysis of the micro-Doppler effect of the moving human by using a walking model [2]. Hence, the Doppler gait signature has been extensively analyzed in the frequency domain, observing the spectrograms acquired by simulation at 10.52 GHz [3] and by...
The effect of the damage on structural behavior varies depending on the condition of the corroded concrete such as the cause and degree of corrosion. Once cracks and rust stains are observed on the concrete surface, it evidences deteriorating concrete. Missing rebar corrosion leads to serious ...
energies Article Study the Flow behind a Semi-Circular Step Cylinder (Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)) S. M. Sayeed-Bin-Asad *, Tord Staffan Lundström and Anders Gustav Andersson Division of Fluid and Experimental Mechanics, Luleå University of Technology...