ramseydopplerfinderdirectionantennafrequency DDF1•1DOPPLERDIRECTIONFINDERRADIODIRECTIONFINDERKITRamseyElectronicsModelNo.DDF1Getinonthefunofradiodirectionfinding(RDF)withthissuperkit!ThelatestinaffordableDopplerdirectionfindingequipmentavailableinacompletekitform..thisoneevenincludesthereceivingantenna.Amustforthe“foxhu...
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: Doppler direction-finder Doppler direction-finder分享到: 【电学】多普勒定向仪【物理】多普勒探向器分类: 通用词汇 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释:以下为句子列表:分享到: ...
Doppler direction finder 多普勒效应定向仪相关短语 meridional intensity(纤维定向度测定) 子午线方向强度 Johnson effect(热噪效应) 约翰逊效应 Laplace (拉普拉斯) 拉氏 changeover clock (仪表的) 转接时钟 thermal current converter (仪表) 热电交换器 declination arc (罗盘仪上的) 磁偏角弧 braking element (仪表...
The new Doppler direction finder cyclically samples a plurality of uniformly distributed points on the base circle 2 of a single cylinder 1, which is used as a broadband antenna, of a monopole or dipole. The signal currents i1...4 which are produced at the tap points have phase shifts ...
The Doppler direction finder uses a frequency modulated HF signal and an antenna (1) with a rotating antenna characteristic. This antenna (1) is coupled to one reception channel (3) while a reception antenna is coupled to a second reception channel (5), the output voltages (Up,Ur) of both...
Doppler Systems offers a mobile and a fixed site radio direction finder (RDF) covering 100 - 1000 MHz. We also provide custom solutions.
Our TargetTrack and SignalTrack software provide map-based data from direction finders. We show radio direction finder software demonstrations
6) Doppler direction finder 多普勒测向仪补充资料:多普勒效应多普勒效应Doppler effect 波源与观察者(接收器)间有相对运动时,观测到的波频率与波源发出的波频率不同的现象。也称多普勒频移。1842年由奥地利物理学家J.C.多普勒发现。关于多普勒效应理论有两种: ①经典的多普勒效应。以经典理论处理多普勒效应问题,适用...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To obtain a small, convenient and inexpensive direction finder by selecting the transmitting or receiving operation of each transmitting/receiving element through an operation selecting switch and selecting an element to be operated by means of a row select switch or a column ...
3) Doppler direction finding 多普勒测向 1. Introduces a single-channel Doppler direction finding technology which combines the Doppler principle with the phase difference picking method used in the interference direction finder. 介绍了一种相位干涉法和多普勒测向原理相结合的单通道多普勒测向技术,用一路...