Mobilität am Berg DATEN & FAKTEN Doppelmayr Group 00001 Anlagen weltweit 0000 Mio. € Umsatz im GJ 2023/24 01 Länder mit Niederlassungen weltweit TECHNOLOGIE AURO - Einstieg in die autonome Mobilität Mehr Informationen Unsere Systeme ...
Herzlich willkommen auf der Startseite der Doppelmayr Group. Hier finden Sie News, unsere neuesten Seilbahnen, Broschüren und vieles mehr.
Mobilität am Berg DATEN & FAKTEN Doppelmayr Group 00001 Anlagen weltweit 0000 Mio. € Umsatz im GJ 2023/24 01 Länder mit Niederlassungen weltweit TECHNOLOGIE AURO - Einstieg in die autonome Mobilität Mehr Informationen Unsere Systeme ...
Welcome to the Doppelmayr Group homepage. Here you will find news, our latest ropeways, brochures and much more.
在现场或 Doppelmayr 进行抱索器检查toggle item 包括磁粉检测在内的轮组维修toggle item 与钢丝绳厂商协作完成包括放松钢丝绳在内的钢丝绳作业toggle item 大转轮轴承更换,包括放松钢丝绳和检查支撑轮毂toggle item 电气维修toggle item 产品 先人一步 索道检查与咨询 ...
The RopeCon® system transports bulk and general cargo of all kinds, spans obstacles effortlessly and minimises the space required on the ground.
Doppelmayr and Garaventa merge The two leading ropeway manufacturers with a long tradition, Doppelmayr and Garaventa, joined forces in 2002 and merged to form the Doppelmayr/Garaventa Group. RopeCon® premiere: material transport concept overcomes every hurdle Transporting 850,000 m³ of excavated ma...
Material Transport Aerial ropeways are well-known as a safe and efficient means of passenger transport. However, ropeway technology is equally well suited to material transport. In the case of difficult terrain, ropeways have long been used to simplify transportation or to make it possible in the...
Sanhe Doppelmayr is a part of the Doppelmayr Group, a group with more than 120 years experience in the field of rope propelled transport systems. At present, we of Sanhe Doppelmayr are the only affiliate company of an international cable car manufacturer in China . Our plant which located in...
You can rely on Doppelmayr Customer Support for whatever you need. Once we know what you require and your processes, we can help you with our electrotechnical, mechanics, and hydraulics services.