Chris Heid - Doppelkopf
Doppelkopf - spiele kostenlos und offline gegen starke ComputergegnerSpiele Doppelkopf, das unterhaltsame deutsche Kartenspiel, wann und wo Du willst!Starke Gegner. Erstklassiges Design.Highlights von Doppelkopf:- Französisches und Deutsches Blatt- Original Altenburger Spielkarten- Spielstarke Computer...
Doppelkopf: Pot with more than 40 points Solo: Queen, Jack, Suit, Marriage Fox: Ace of diamonds caught by opponent Elderly: won against them Solo Queen Solo: Only the eight Queens are trump. All four suits rank Ace, Ten, King, Jack, Nine. Jack Solo: Only the eight Jacks are trump....
Doppelkopf is extremely popular in Germany, mainly in the North. It developed from a version of Schafkopf using a double pack of cards. Doppelkopf is a four player game with variable partnerships; the objective is to capture valuable cards in tricks. It can be played with five people, with...
Doppelkopf 剧情 Kurth Werth / Wolfgang Breitenstein / Ilse Stöckl 1968-05-01西德上映 / 120分钟 想看看过简介 暂无剧情简介 演职人员全部 Claus Peymann导演 Kurth Werth饰: Walrat - erster Direktor Wolfgang Breitenstein饰: Schwandt - zweiter Direktor Ilse Stöckl饰: Elvira Fleischhauer - Chef...
Doppelkopf 作者:Mala, Matthias 页数:128 定价:$ 17.97 ISBN:9783833424090 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价
Doppelkopf 剧情西德/ 120分钟 1968-05-01西德上映 影片对比 暂无想看 样本较少暂无画像 昨日新增想看 暂无 想看单日峰值 暂无丰富信息请发送邮件至ziliao@maoyan.com违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900猫眼专业版 秒级实时票房随时看 立即下载 特惠购票...
Doppelkopf Palace – Play a proper round of Doppelkopf live against real players. Doppelkopf, the smart German classic for team players and solo pros! Comparable to games such as Pinochle, Sheepshead, and Skat, Doppelkopf requires tactical and deducti
DOPPELKOPF, AS YOU KNOW IT - Use original Doppelkopf playing cards or custom cards optimized for legibility. - Choose your card deck: French, Tournament, German, … - Standard rules are based on the tournament rules of the German Doppelkopf Association (DDV). ...
doppelkopfhoerer, especially for telephoneKOSCHEL HEINZ DR-ING