五、参考文献 Merino, P. (2019) The Cholinergic System, in Chemical biology of neurodegeneration: a molecular approach. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, pp. 3–39. 如有谬误,欢迎指正。如有侵权,请告知处理。
... dopaminergic pathway 多巴胺路径 dopaminergic system 多巴胺系统 dorsal horns of the spinal cord 脊髓背侧角 ... www.docstoc.com|基于2个网页 2. 多巴胺神经系统 前者需要多巴胺神经系统(dopaminergic system)和蕈形体(mushroom bodies)激活,而后者则相反,不依赖于这两者的激 …www.ebiotrade.com|基于2个...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook dopamine (redirected fromDopaminergic system) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to Dopaminergic system:Noradrenergic system,Serotonergic system do·pa·mine (dō′pə-mēn′) n. A monoamine neurotransmitter formed in the brain by the decarboxylation of dopa and esse...
Dopaminergic system: Dopamine is a neurotransmitter and neuromodulator that can have both inhibitory and excitatory effects on target dopamine neurons. Dopaminergic-system dysregulation is associated with depression (Papakostas, 2006). Antidepressant drugs targeting dopamine (although non-specifically) such as...
将“dopaminergic system"翻译成法文 système dopaminergique是将“dopaminergic system"翻译成 法文。 译文示例:Healthy ageing is usually accompanied by cognitive impairments and dysfunction of the dopaminergic system. ↔ Un vieillissement normal s'accompagne habituellement de déficiences cognitives et ...
Abnormalities of the dopaminergic system in several primary dystonias: at present, fifteen gene loci of primary dystonia have been reported (DYT1-DYT15). The relationship between abnormalities of the dopaminergic system and the etiopathogenesis of several primary dystonias has been observed at the ...
Chapter 16 Respiratory system 29個詞語 Bellagon2005 預覽 College BIO Exam 3 (Lab) 19個詞語 GraysonHood05 預覽 Spine, Deep Back, and Suboccipital Anatomy 57個詞語 mck573 預覽 Circulatory System: Arteries and Fetal Circulation 13個詞語 dianne_king223 預覽 Med Phys. Quiz 老師71個詞語 CodyVetra...
中脑边缘多巴胺能体系(mesolimbic dopaminergic system)在药物成瘾过程中起着十分重要的作用。脑内多巴胺(dopamine,DA) …d.wanfangdata.com.cn|基于2个网页 2. 边缘多巴胺系统 ...al dopaminergic system)对中边缘多巴胺系统(mesolimbic dopaminergic system)有抑制性调控的说法提供了直接的证据。ir.ym.edu.tw|基于1 ...
(或许是这样:外界信息激发basolateralamygdala,basolateralamygdalaexcitenucleus accumbens, nucleus accumbens inhibit ventral tegmental area and parasympathetic system, 这个过程很短暂,是一惊的那种,然后由于外界信息迅速消失,如果没有生命健康威胁就迅速消失,短暂被抑制的ventral tegmental area有可能迅速爆发,产生惊喜的感觉...