The predominant effects of dopamine are dose-related, although it should be noted that actual response of an individual patient will largely depend on the clinical status of the patient at the time the drug is administered. At low rates of infusion (0.5 to 2 mcg/kg/min) dopamine causesvasod...
Therefore, the effects of infusing a low dose of dopamine on glomerular filtration rate and effective renal plasma flow in 12 well-controlled patients with Type I (insulin-dependent) diabetes and 28 healthy volunteers were compared to investigate whether the increased glomerular filtration rate in ...
The effects of pharmacological manipulations of dopaminergic transmission on appetitive and consummatory aspects of male sexual behavior were investigated in castrated male Japanese quail treated with exogenous testosterone. Appetitive male sexual behavior was assessed by measuring a learned social proximity resp...
These results suggest that [11C]FLB 457 is not sensitive to endogenous dopamine in the extrastriatal regions of rhesus monkeys, despite a sufficient dose of MAP to decrease the binding of [11C]raclopride in the striatum. 展开 关键词: [11C]FLB 457 [11C]raclopride endogenous dopamine extra...
Dopamine elicits its pharmacological action by activating dopamine D1 and D2 receptors, beta-1 receptors and alpha-1 receptors. The activation of different receptors leading to its effects are dependent on dopamine dose. 12.2 Pharmacodynamics Dopamine's onset of action occurs within five minutes of ...
(kicer; Fig.2c, d; Supplementary Fig.3a; peak voxel:x,y,z = 10, 10, 7,Z = 3.83, ppeak FWE SVC = 0.046). The key role of dopamine in these effects was further substantiated by a parallel effect of sulpiride, which also boosted reversal-related caudate BOLD signal ...
5). These results may support generally impairing effects of trait-like SNS activity on extinction, as suggested by animal studies39, which in turn might be carried over to spontaneous recovery (see results above). There were no statistically significant effects of trait or state sAA on ...
The cumulative mortality of shrimp that received dopamine at either dose was significantly higher than that of shrimp that received saline after 8 h, and of shrimp that received saline at the termination of the experiment (48 h after the challenge). It is therefore concluded that dopamine ...
In contrast, at the low dose (2.5, DA induced no significant change in . Cardiac output (Qc) increased significantly after the three DA administration rates [19% (range, 0-42), 34% (range, 17-71), and 25% (range, -3 to +47)] for the doses 2.5, 5, ...
The effects postulated by the model in determining gambling probability as a function of different trial EV and different parameter sets are represented inSupplementary Figure S1. This shows that (i) for positive and negative value function parameterα, the propensity to gamble for larger EVs increa...