Sign up for DoorDash to unlock sales, attract customers, and take your restaurant or store to the next level — on the DoorDash app or your own channels.
Learn how to access the DoorDash Merchant Portal using your DoorDash merchant login, and how to add new users using a DoorDash restaurant login.
Location’s first 6 months on the Marketplace platform as a Premier merchant partner, they are eligible for this rebate if (1) they cancel fewer than 5 orders that month and (2) maintain "open hours" on DoorDash for 90% of the Store Hours that they have set in the Merchant Portal. ...
You can contact support via theMerchant PortalHelp Form,mxpsupport@doordash.comemail,DoorDash merchant support number, Business Manager App, or Tablet. How do I use the Merchant Portal Help Form? You can contact us easily by filling out the Merchant Portal Help Form. To find the form, follo...
Don't worry, there's still time to keep your service active: Register for the DoorDash Drive On-Demand Invoicing Portal if you haven't already. Pay all your past-due invoice(s) using a debit card, credit card, or ACH. Your payment will be processed within 24 hours. What do I do ...
DoorDash for Business offers food delivery for employees for in-office, remote, and hybrid teams. Order corporate meal delivery, including breakfast, snacks, and more, at an enterprise scale. Sign up for free.
If you didn’t receive your 1099-K or if there is an error on your business details, please submit a Support Case via the Merchant Portal Help option in the left panel. How can I access my tax forms?You will receive your 1099-K forms via physical mail (most merchants) or through e...
Used when the details of a business are shown to a customer, Dasher, merchant, or support agent. description string (BusinessDescription) Any non empty string Short description of the business. Used in the DoorDash Merchant Portal. Maximum length of description is 100 characters activation_status...
Creating new communication systems:DoorDash Drive has implemented new streamlined communication tools for pizza restaurants. These include unifying their merchant portal access across both the DoorDash marketplace and Drive platforms, providing a streamlined way to track and communicate with drivers, as we...
Get Starbucks's delivery & pickup! Order online with DoorDash and get Starbucks's delivered to your door. No-contact delivery and takeout orders available now.