Carrying cash has long been a major downside for delivery and taxi drivers. Cash can make you a target for robbery. And safety issues aside, handling cash is an annoying friction point in the delivery process. Customers had to keep cash and drivers had to make change & hold onto large amo...
On the DoorDash Reddit page, a customer posted Monday, "I'm a regular customer of [DoorDash] that has started doing cash tips because of this. I know I'm one person but I'm hoping that word keeps getting out and the situation keeps improving!" As the Verge pointed out, all other ...
Drivers always appreciate cash tips, butmost drivers prefer in-app tipsleft during checkout because in-app tips are included in the upfront payment estimate for every order. That information gives your delivery person reassurance that a tip is coming. Without that upfront info there is no guara...
SAN FRANCISCO - Delivery company DoorDash said Tuesday it will refund its drivers for some U.S. gasoline purchases to help offset higher prices at the pump. DoorDash said it will give drivers 10% cash back when they buy gas using DasherDirect, the company’s debit card designed for drivers...