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Credit: Ad Age composite DoorDash is a delivery service for local restaurants and businesses.
’’Whatisthehighestlevelofeducationyouhavecompleted?’’;SinglePick;Whichoftheseonlineprovidersofrestaurantandfooddeliveryhaveyouusedinthepast12months?;MultiPick;Base:n=2,364DoorDashusers,n=3,362restaurantdeliveryusers,n=60,327allrespondents ConsumerInsightsGlobalasofJune2024 DoorDashusershaveasimilarincomedist...
Tip: Both Swiggy and Doordash get most of their traffics from Youtube through paid ads and collaborations, so you can consider Youtube as a feasible medium to attract more users. Conclusion Creating a Food delivery app would be a great move and it only requires a little research before you...
Render: Building the cloud for developers. Imbue: AI agents that can reason like you. Inflection: Personal Intelligence. Automattic: 43% down, 57% to go. WordPress. Discord: Building something you actually use. PayPal: Opening opportunities for all. Adobe: Let’s create experiences that matter...