(after! undo-tree ;; Enable undo-tree mode (global-undo-tree-mode) ;; Undo in non-file buffers (add-hook 'evil-local-mode-hook 'turn-on-undo-tree-mode) (setq undo-tree-auto-save-history t) (setq undo-tree-history-directory-alist '(("." . "~/.emacs.d/undo")))Recentf...
org$")) (org-refile-use-outline-path 'file) (org-refile-history nil) (dest (org-refile-get-location)) (buffer nil) (first (frame-first-window))) (save-excursion (if (eq first (next-window first)) (progn (evil-window-vsplit) (evil-window-right 1)) (other-window 1)) (find-...
they’re not going to repeat it, they’re not going to just go and drill every well they can because the market isn’t going to reward them for more production. And the Biden administration might punish them. So they’re going to return cash to shareholders, which to me, I mean, he...
I’m not a resident of California but I often visit this great state and seeing this new petition I’m hoping that everyone concerned about the climate of California will get onboard to denounce the past and current state governments and, especially, to ensure that current residents get to s...
I’ve been a student of history for a long time and have read quite a bit about Nazi Germany and WWII. In fact right now, having found audible.com I’m listening to an audio bookThe Coming of the Third Reich, by Richard Evans, while I walk, drive and exercise. ...
org$")) (org-refile-use-outline-path 'file) (org-refile-history nil) (dest (org-refile-get-location)) (buffer nil) (first (frame-first-window))) (save-excursion (if (eq first (next-window first)) (progn (evil-window-vsplit) (evil-window-right 1)) (other-window 1)) (find-...
I’ll just again repeat something I’ve said a few times in this series. I’m not trying to knock renewable energy or decarbonizing energy. But solving a problem requires understanding the scale of the problem and especially the hardest challenges – before you start on the main project. ...
DPY – We’ve been over the same material recently and I have no desire to repeat. I’m not going to convince you and you are not going to convince me. The most recent paper to compare models and observations, Lewandowsky et. al. (2018, link below), does a more thorough job than ...
Thankfully, history does not record any comment on the value of the services received for these eggs, or on the benefit to society of those services, so we can focus on the eggs story. Due to external circumstances outside of Utopia’s control, on January 1st, the year of Our Goose 15...
The first question is easy. We could use the forcing at TOA, it wouldn’t matter so long as we have allowed the stratosphere to come into radiative equilibrium (which takes a few months). As far as I can tell, my opinion, it’s more about the history of how we arrived at this poi...