更新中最主要的内容是加入了Empowered Demons这一类型的恶魔。当玩家在单人战役中被击杀时,杀死你的恶魔就会被强化并且传送到其他玩家的游戏中再次参战。其他玩家消灭这一恶魔为同伴报仇后可以获得大量道具和经验奖励。 据GameSpot报道,《毁灭战士:永恒》官网日志更新了关于首个大型更新的情报,此次更新将加入一系列优化、...
The upside is that the empowered demons drop "tons" of health and ammo when killed, as well as giving players bonus XP to progress their in-game events. Those are the things which are kind of like a battle pass, but are free so they are better than a battle pass. Doom Eternal's fi...
作者:Joshua Boyle Update 2 for DOOM Eternal is now live, and features a new BATTLEMODE map Torment, more frequent Empowered Demons, campaign & BATTLEMODE quality-of-life improvements, fixes and more! Note from the Devs: On behalf of everyone at id, I want to thank our incredible community...
更新中最主要的内容是加入了Empowered Demons这一类型的恶魔。当玩家在单人战役中被击杀时,杀死你的恶魔就会被强化并且传送到其他玩家的游戏中再次参战。其他玩家消灭这一恶魔为同伴报仇后可以获得大量道具和经验奖励。之前官方也公布了首个DLC内容的截图,可以看到气势恢宏的堡垒和海上神秘建筑等等!有玩家评论,《毁灭...
The first official update for DOOM Eternal is here! With it comes Empowered Demons, the Precious Metals Event, single-player campaign updates, BATTLEMODE changes and much more. Empowered Demons – Avenge fallen Slayers by killing empowered variants of demons that took those players out. These demo...
Doom Eternal Update 1 Available Now - News Tweet by William D'Angelo , posted on 15 May 2020 / 1,786 Views Publisher Bethesda Softworks and developer id Software have released Update 1 for Doom Eternal. The update adds Empowered Demons, the Precious Metals Event, campaign updates, BATTLEMODE...
DOOM Eternal 重登热销榜第一 在上周的Steam周销量排行榜中,《毁灭战士:永恒》(DOOM Eternal)重登榜首,《星球大战绝地:陨落的武士团》、《无主之地3》等老游戏重回榜单。因为上周《毁灭战士:永恒》在steam商店促销折扣,让其在榜单上又风光了一把,但就游戏评分而言,确实是非常受到玩家的喜爱。从2020年3月20日...
在上周的Steam周销量排行榜中,《毁灭战士:永恒》(DOOM Eternal)重登榜首,《星球大战绝地:陨落的武士团》、《无主之地3》等老游戏重回榜单。因为上周《毁灭战士:永恒》在steam商店促销折扣,让其在榜单上又风光了一把,但就游戏评分而言,确实是非常受到玩家的喜爱。从2020年3月20日在steam商店正式发售起,已获得462...
The first update forDOOM Eternalon PC has added Denuvo Anti-Cheat software to the BATTLEMODE part of the game, making it a required installation for anyone wanting to play the game at all. Across all platforms, the game’s first update adds in Empowered Demons, Echelon levelling, the Precio...
作者:Joshua Boyle Update 2 for DOOM Eternal is now live, and features a new BATTLEMODE map Torment, more frequent Empowered Demons, campaign & BATTLEMODE quality-of-life improvements, fixes and more! Note from the Devs: On behalf of everyone at id, I want to thank our incredible community...