var:doom-font: the primary font for Emacs to use. var:doom-variable-pitch-font: used for non-monospace fonts (e.g. when using variable-pitch-mode or mixed-pitch-mode). Popular for text modes, like Org or Markdown. var:doom-emoji-font: used for rendering emoji. Only needed if you ...
What did you expect to happen? Flyspell with markdown-mode provides inline spelling hints What actually happened? Flyspell after commit 7f99eb7 does not check the document inline. Manual checking works. Additional details: before 7f99eb7...
vue-compiler - A simple CLI wrapper around vueify ★ 2, pushed 7 days ago vue-autocompile - package to compile .vue files on save. vue-dev-server - A small webpack-based development server for building standalone vue components ★ 3, pushed 42 days ago vue-go-cli - a...