An article was featured in a New York magazine entitled "Can the Book Business Be Saved?," which included an image of an empty publisher's office and unread books. In the past, publishers were largely independent benefactors with excellent ...
“gloom and doom”的意思是“悲观和绝望的气氛”,常用来形容一种阴沉、沮丧的氛围或对未来不乐观的看法。 应用场景: 这个短语通常用于描述一种普遍存在的消极情绪或氛围,特别是在讨论经济、政治或社会问题时。它也可以用来形容个人的情绪状态,尤其是当他们感到对未来失去希望或信心时。 造句例句: 中文:最近的经济预...
Insights on the state of the global economy, central bank policies, and the long-term effects of inflation on wealth and society In this thought-provoking conversation with Anthony Scaramucci, legendary investor Marc Faber, publisher of The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, shares his… ...
"If there's too much doomsday information inmedia coverageabout climate change, then people will tune out, and that's exactly the opposite of what we need," Sinatra said. "We need people to tune in, and we need people to be engaged. It's not true that we're completely doomed and th...
将“doom and gloom"翻译成法文 catastrophe, ombres, pessimisme是“doom and gloom"到 法文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:You people need to stop with the doom and gloom merger scenarios. ↔ Vous devez cesser vos scénarios catastrophe et fusion sombre. ...
The report on our economic situation is full of doom and gloom。(这份关于深圳翻译的经济状况的讲演布满了令人失望和沮丧的音调。) luck : 普通日常用词,指好的或坏的命运运限,尤多指好命运运限,有时也指成功或痛快的结局。 because I have a good luck charm which has already changed my luck. (由于...
transformed. Termed 'last-chance' or 'doom' tourism in the popular media, the desire for tourists to witness vanishing landscapes or seascapes and disappearing species may have important consequences for tourism management, yet the nature of these consequences is poorly understood by the academic ...
doom and gloom凄惨,前景不妙;无望 英语例句库 1.a doom-laden speech. 一场充满悲剧演讲。 2.the national feeling of doom and gloom. 全国悲观失望气氛。 economic policy that is doomed to failure. 注定要失败经济政策。 4.the day of doom (=doomsday) ...
ThoughtherateofTrojangrowthmaywell bealarming,Microsoft'sreportisnotalldoomandgloom. 虽然率特洛伊木马病毒的增长可能是惊人的,微软的报告是不是所有的厄运和忧愁。 2. It'snotalldoomandgloomthough,therearesomethingsyoucandotohelpfillthatgapandreturntotheworkforce withrelativeease. ...
Mar15 Dr Marc Faber Editor of The Doom Boom Gloom Report Investor Advisor and Fund Manager Global / Asia Economist & Investment Expert Famous for his contrarian approach to investing, Marc Faber does not run with the bulls or bait the bears, but steers his own course through the maelstrom ...