Windows on April 3, 2005, as an expansion pack and sequel to Doom 3 and on October 5, 2005, for the Xbox video game console. The Xbox version does not require the original Doom 3 in order to play, and includes The Ultimate Doom, Doom II: Hell on Earth and Master Levels for Doom ...
按老规矩启动控制台上两台电脑,选择第2或第3项都可,然后上传送台走人。经过公共区的战斗后发现前方天桥被炸断,从右边走廊来到3号试验室,走左边从维修梯下去打开控制室里电脑上的Cycle Chamber项,返回可进右边门,经过扫描检测后来到3号传送厅,启动机器选择第1项EXIT,被传送到刚才看到的断桥对面,进传送舱过关。
Final DOOM并非正传,不是由卡马克和罗梅罗等人制作的,而是在罗梅罗的倡议下由粉丝制作的,后被id收购后销售。类似的内容还有DOOM II大师关卡(Master levels for DOOM II),只不过20个大师关卡没有包含任何故事。本作共包含TNT: Evilution和Plutonia Experiment两部分,每部分都是30个关卡,同时又都有两个秘密关卡,是DOOM...
那么现在,每一部正篇老DOOM,DOOM II,DOOM 64和DOOM 3就都有了剧情扩展,分别是DOOM: Thy Flesh Consumed(饕餮肉宴),DOOM II: No rest for Living(永无宁日),DOOM 64: The Lost Levels(失落的关卡)和DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil and Lost Mission(邪恶复苏和失落的任务)。也许未来DOOM 2016的重制或者合...
我体验的是Steam上Bethesda卖的版本,包括《Ultimate Doom》、《DOOM II》、《Master levels for DOOM II》(纯关卡,没有任何剧情)和《Final DOOM》,建议你直接进去玩上几关体验原汁原味的内容,之后可以保留wad文件,再去找个ZDoom或者GZDoom去替换掉steam里的程序,这样游戏画面焕然一新,有发现秘密地点的提示,能关闭...
this mission has incredible depth and quality. Due to DeTeEff's innovative use of difficulty settings, the mission is really 3 missions in one ( similar to his other highly regarded mission "Not An Ordinary Guest" ). Players gave this mission the highest story score so along with all the ...
DOOM: Episode 3 Complete DOOM Episode 3 on 'Hurt Me Plenty' or higher in single player DOOM: Episode 4 Complete DOOM Episode 4 on 'Hurt Me Plenty' or higher in single player DOOM: Rampage Complete all DOOM levels on 'Ultra-Violence' or higher in single player ...
Doom 3 is a sci-fi horror first-person shooter computer game developed by id Software and published by Activision. Set on November 15 and 16, 2145 on Mars, Doom 3 is a horror-focused game unlike the previous action-packed entries. Doom 3 had a long devel