If you've been waiting for the Doom Eternal Horde Mode to show up on the Nintendo Switch, we've got some exciting news. Update 6.66 has finally been made available as a free update on Nintendo's hybrid platform. It comes packed with the Horde Mode, Battlemode 2.0 and various other cont...
DOOM Eternal Completion Rate Said To Be “Much Higher” Than 2016 Title id's Hugo Martin says more people finished up the sequel than the 2016 reboot. Article, Feature | 11th Mar. 2020 Ranking the Final Bosses in Mainline DOOM Games From Worst to Best The baddest of the big bads. Articl...
DOOM Eternal is an evolution of an already excellent title in just about every way.Posted By Arjun Krishna Lal | On 25th, Mar. 2020 Facebook Twitter RedditIn 2016, id Software—the inventors of the 3D first person shooter—rebooted the DOOM franchise after over a decade of dormancy. 2004...