[C20: perhaps from C17doodlea foolish person, but influenced in meaning by dawdle; compare Low Germandudeltopfsimpleton] ˈdoodlern Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014...
Note: Please be aware that this page is no longer being updated regularly and the information may be incomplete or outdated. In Doodle World, you can actually see what the update gave to the game through out the Patch Notes located in the main menu in th
Doodling a series of stars while daydreaming reflects subconscious thought. 9 Scribble Developmental tool for children. Scribbling is a crucial step in developing fine motor skills and coordination. 10 Doodle Varied in meaning. A doodle can represent a person's mood, from happy faces to abstract ...
Learn the meaning of AM and PM when telling time and answer questions like "what time is midday?" and "what time is afternoon?".
Titled Let the Cat out of the Box and Be Free This latest drawing of mine doesn’t have tons of hidden meaning. It is what it is – let the cat out of the box and be free. In relationships, people often say something like, if you love someone, let him or her go. I think that...
It is like a lens that I wear that prompts me to see the world in a veil of temporary sadness. But why? I seriously don’t know. It could be a self-balancing act. During the day, I tend to see the world in a good light, blocking off negative thoughts and observations. But this...
Where everyone avoids using the middle finger, including the peace sign, for two beers; instead, flapping the hand up and down like a wave means “come here” and two raised eyebrows meaning “yes indeed.” Where taxi drivers blasting American pop music, such as Celine Dion singing ...