I’ve been in Los Angeles for eight years now, and had no idea about the donut shops that they took us to. The specialty donuts at Sidecar are to die for! The huckleberry donut was my favorite by far! Also, our tour guide knew so much about...
Speaking of favorites, this is a baker's dozen list of 13 great donut shops. Are they the best? Again, it is personal and there are hundreds of places to get a good kruller in Upstate New York. But personally (there is that word again), these are all excellent. Trust me you can't...
(indeed, I almost feel like I should complete the look with some Adidas clothing), but that just goes to show how long it's been since I've been there and how out of touch I am with the place. It's almost like she asked the shops what was hip with the kids and they told her...
The women of Ohn Ne Kyaung, a tiny village near Bagan, Myanmar, must carry water from the village well to their homes each day Perhaps more importantly, people are joyous over the election of their heroine, Aung San Suu Kyi, to Parliament. They can once again hang their coveted photos o...