If anyone know where can i find someone that can help me, i would appreciate it a lot. Thanks","kudosSumWeight":0,"postTime":"2024-05-27T16:18:13.834+01:00","images":{"__typename":"AssociatedImageConnection","edges":[],"totalCount":0,"pageInfo":{"__typename":"PageInfo","...
like Hamas, are running a masterful long con, playing the media like fiddles, showing a cavalcade of dead children, whether killed by Israeli armed forces or not, using propaganda and conspiracy theories, and generally pulling at the heartstrings of anyone and everyone across the world who fanci...
The Switch Lite addresses all the issues I had with the original Switch when it came to traveling, and I really don't care about what you or anyone else thinks about it. I am not buying this or avoiding it to please you, I am buying this for me. 5 Reply 53 NinChocolate Sat 14th...
I can’t imagine making this film with another DP, production, costume designer, producer, or co-writer. The film has many hands in it, and there are so many brushstrokes from creatives I trust. I think it would’ve collapsed had we approached it differently. It’s a pretty fickle ...
Each episode is a blend of science-based information and real-life application, making it a unique resource for anyone looking to improve their health and wellbeing. Dr. Malik's approach is holistic and inclusive, recognizing the importance of balancing physical health with mental and emotional...
Also, I just trust my camera manufacturer and the raw files they give me. I guess I have a fundamental block against something I just don’t understand. See, DNG is supposed to be 20% smaller than the original raw file. But, it’s supposed to be the same quality. And I just don’...
Growing up, I didn’t know anyone whose parents divorced because of immature nonsense. Usually it was because of addiction or abuse (domestic, child, etc.), or a depression that the other party had no interest in ever improving. Because of that, I have no idea who this post is ...
The move comes as a way to prevent its loyal fanbase from spending too much unnecessarily, benefiting the player, but also ensuring that the Nintendo brand keeps its positive reputation. According to The Wall Street Journal, one CyberAgent official (parent company of Dragali...
beingkind. Nicety is a societal construct designed to give power to those who do not have any. We are nice because we want people to like us. We are nice because we crave external validation. We are kind because we want to be, not for anyone else, but because it is the right thing...