Donkey Kong, also known as DK, or rarely D. Kong, Donkey, or Kong, is a major character in the Super Mario franchise and the main protagonist of the Donkey Kong franchise. He is a powerful and carefree Kong who lives in Donkey Kong Island, and he...
Donkey Kong! The Donkey Kong series is one of the most different adventure video games! The cool characters and the action makes this game really fun! Below is a brief look how I think the game is! Game Play: The game play is very good. There is really basic controls here and is eas...
Leaving Little Mario and the beautiful girl to live happily ever after. "SIGH. SIGH." So, if you want the most exciting, most fun-filled, most talked about family video game on the market, don't monkey around with anything but the original Donkey Kong....
Nintendo’s monkey of manifold mantles – one Donkey Kong, Esq. – recently turned 40. Forty years young and still so vital, but it could be reasonably argued that the ol’ Kongmeister has been undergoing a bit of an identity crisis for most of his lifespan. The man-ape has turned fro...
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!: Directed by Tim Stamper. Trouble is brewing yet again on Donkey Kong Island and it's up to Dixie to save the captured Donkey and Diddy Kong and stop the evil Kremlings.
Monkey or mule, Donkey Kong has a pretty good sense of rhythm. This video has an invalid file format. Now Playing: Donkey Konga Video Review The beauty of the DK Bongo controller, which comes bundled with the game and looks like a basic set of bongo drums, is that it's largely self...
PleaseSign Into rateDonkey Kong (1994) Score BreakdownBased on136ratings Most Helpful Positive Player Reviews One of the best Gameboy Games ever. Review Score:9.5 ByRedraptor75| Review Date: Mar 02, 2005 |GB This game alone seems to just scream classy. Donkey Kong stars Mario as a construct...
His Monkey Flip side special is a rolling leap followed by a grab (or a kick if you press the button again mid-jump). If you grab someone, press the button again to attack, or jump off them to go high into the air. : Donkey Kong Country (11/1994) : Donkey Kong Country 2: ...
Tandy Color Computer (1983) "Monkey Kong" PC [Booter] (1983) "Donkey Kong" PC [Booter] (1983) "Gorilla Gorilla" : part of the "FriendlyWare P.C. Arcade" suite. Atari 800 (1983) "Donkey Kong [Model RX8031]" TI99/4A (1983) "Donkey Kong [Model RX8512]" ...
Monkey business The way we see it, there are two main types of Donkey Kong game - the static platformers of the original (which are arguably prototype Mario games) and Rare's Donkey Kong Country series. The latter are classic side-scrolling platformers with highly detailed graphic...