Donkey Kong, also known as DK, or rarely D. Kong, Donkey, or Kong, is a major character in the Super Mario franchise and the main protagonist of the Donkey Kong franchise. He is a powerful and carefree Kong who lives in Donkey Kong Island, and he...
After Mario chases Donkey Kong across six worlds, Donkey Kong checks his bag only to realize that it is empty, as all the Mini-Marios he stole have dropped. Mario, the Mini-Marios, and the three Toads laugh at Donkey Kong for this; enraged, Donkey Kong grabs the three Toads and climbs...
Donkey Kong (also commonly referred to as DK) is the main and titular protagonist of the Donkey Kong franchise and a recurring Mario character. Throughout his adventures, Donkey Kong tries to stop King K. Rool from stealing his Banana Hoard alongside his friends, and has protected his home ...
Nintendo, how about you bring all the Donkey Kong Country (including Returns) and Donkey Kong Land games to the NA Virtual Console first? 0 Reply 4 StephenYap3 Thu 26th Feb 2015 Banana Slamma! To me, the show's okay. More watchable than the Super Mario Bros cartoon, in...
Donkey Kong 64 is a 3D action-adventure platform game developed by Rareware and released for the Nintendo 64 in 1999. It is a follow-up to the original Donkey Kong trilogy for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System; it is the first and so far the...
In this game,Donkey Kongbalances on abarrelwhile jugglingpineapplesand avoiding thefireballsfalling from thedrums.Mariowatches his performance. Donkey Kong receives apointevery time he catches a pineapple. If Donkey Kong loses a pineapple, Mario will laugh at him, resulting in a miss. If Donkey...
Lastly, Donkey Kong was unable to defeat the regular blue Krusha enemy by jumping on him. Unlike the final, Krusha will laugh after Donkey Kong does so, as he would if Diddy had done that. This also applies to Klump, hinting there might have not been character differences in the early ...
The following is a list of the various songs featured in the Donkey Kong Country television series. In all, there are eighty-two songs, two for each episode barring "Cranky's Tickle Tonic", "Orangutango", "Monkey Seer, Monkey Do", and "Message in a...