Shrek PG Animation Adventure Fantasy Comedy Family Based loosely on the children's book of the same name by William Steig, Shrek tells the story of an ogre (Michael Myers) who sets with his new friend Donkey (Eddie Murphy) out to regain his swamp from fairytale characters. Tasked with rescu...
Fiona, ShrekandDonkey(voiced by Eddie Murphy) travel to the kingdom of Far Far Away and meet Fiona’s parents, King Harold [...] 菲奥娜,史莱克和驴(由艾迪·墨菲配音)旅游的国度遥远和满足Fiona的父母,哈罗德国王和王后莉莲(由约翰·克里斯和朱莉·安德鲁斯配音 ),谁是...
Byline: MATT BARLOWIF Roberto Soldado is to be cast as a donkey, as Alan Sugar suggested, then he might yet prove to be the most popular since the one played by Eddie Murphy in the film Shrek.Soldado has had his problems since his PS26million move from Valencia to Tottenham, not ...
Byline: MATT BARLOWIF Roberto Soldado is to be cast as a donkey, as Lord Sugar suggested, then he might yet prove to be the most popular since the one played by Eddie Murphy in the film Shrek.Soldado has had his problems since his PS26million move from Valencia to Tottenham, not ...