SUZHOU DONGSHAN PRECISION MANUFACTURING 419 2024年 中国500强 (上一年排名:411 ) 中国500强-第419名上一年排名:第411名 百万美元年增减% 营业收入4753.51.3 利润277.5-21.2 资产6251.5 股东权益2556.1 利润占比 净利率5.8 净资产收益率10.9 城市: 苏州 ...
Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.爱企查 天眼查 存续报关画像收发货人 法定代表人:袁永刚 注册资本:170986.7327万元人民币 统一社会信用代码:网址 地址:苏州吴中经济开发区塘东路88号联系方式 联系电话 vip会员可看 邮箱 vip会员可看 点击右边按钮查看更多信息: 全部联系方式 进...
Suzhou Dongshan The Linden Centre, Rongchuntang, is situated in Wengxiang Ancient Village of Dongshan, Suzhou. It was originally built by Liu Gongbao, a local wealthy merchant of Qing Dynasty. It is representative of Dongshan late Qing architecture and is the largest ancient residence still ...
Suzhou Dongshan Hotel Dongshan Town Wuhzhong District, Tai Lake, Suzhou, China, 215107 - See map Highlights Sparkling clean Top Value Check-in [24-hour] Excellent room comfort & quality Free Wi-Fi in all rooms! Wellness Everything you need for a rejuvenating retreat for both body and ...
Suzhou Airport Same Day Luggage Services (1 Traveler 1 Bag) Private Suzhou and Zhouzhuang or Tongli Tour from Shanghai $495 per adultPrivate Suzhou and Zhouzhuang or Tongli Tour from Shanghai See all activities in Dongshan Cities near Dongshan Suzhou...
Originally named as "Chunzai Tower",Suzhou Dongshan Engraving Building(Chinese name: 东山雕花楼)is located at the west of Dongshan Town, 40 kilometers southwest to Suzhou City. The construction of the building started in 1922 and was finished three years later. This building was constructed by...
Dongshan Scenic Resort1.2 km Dongshan Scenic Area2.9 km Dongshan Township4.4 km Arhat Sculpture in Zijin Temple4.6 km Luxiang Ancient Village5.3 km Baojian Hall5.3 km Lvguang Leisure Farm9.4 km Linwudong Scenic Resort9.9 km Dongshan Town Wuhzhong District, Tai Lake, Suzhou, China, 215107-See ma...
Dongshan Town Wuhzhong District, Tai Lake, Suzhou, China, 215107 - See map The car parking and the Wi-Fi are always free, so you can stay in touch and come and go as you please. Conveniently situated in the Tai Lake part of Suzhou, this property puts you close to attractions and int...
Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co.,Ltd 2023年-中国上市公司500强-第396名 扫码打开APP 查看完整关键数据 百万元年增减% 营业收入31,580.2-0.7 利润2,367.527.1 资产40,531.4-- 市值42,285-- 股东权益16,359.4-- 利润占比 净利率7.5 净资产收益率14.5 ...
苏州东山(又名洞庭山、东洞庭山)是延伸于太湖中的一个半岛,只有不太宽阔的陆上通道与苏州市相连,万顷湖光连天,渔帆鸥影点点,是一个以花果和明清古建筑为主要特色的山水风景旅游胜地。 东山又名洞庭东山或东洞庭山,在苏州城西南23.5公里处的东山镇,由东山、三山、泽山、蕨山、佘山、南北箭壶等7个湖岛组成,占地...