The Donggebi giant Mo deposit is located in the Qoltag metallogenic belt, eastern Tianshan, Xinjiang. Eight molybdentie samples from the deposit yield Re-Os isotope ages ranging from 228.7±2.7Ma to 241.7±0.9Ma, with an isochron age of 231.9±6.5Ma (95% confidence, MSWD=0.71), and a ...
The Donggebi giant Mo deposit is located in the Qoltag metallogenic belt, eastern Tianshan, Xinjiang. Eight molybdentie samples from the deposit yield Re-Os isotope ages ranging from 228.7±2.7Ma to 241.7±0.9Ma, with an isochron age of 231.9±6.5Ma (95% confidence, MSWD=0.71), and a we...
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公司名称 台州市东阁餐饮有限公司 天津必点餐饮管理有限公司 成立时间 2023年 2015年 经营商品 水饺、快餐 必点海肠水饺、餐饮管理 品牌参数 品牌发源地 台州市 天津 成立时间 2023年 2015年 注册资金 200万元 100万元加盟条件 加盟费 5万元 3万元 保证金 1万元 2万元 特许使用费 - 1万元 适合人群 自由创业...
Donggebi porphyry Mo depositEastern Tianshan, Chinacontinental collisionNaCl‐poor and CO2‐rich fluidThe Donggebi giant porphyry Mo deposit in Hami city, Xinjiang Province, NW China, was formed in the Triassic in the Jueluotage metallogenic belt of Eastern Tianshan. Mo mineralization is associated ...
The Donggebi giant porphyry Mo deposit in Hami city, Xinjiang Province, NW China, was formed in the Triassic in the Jueluotage metallogenic belt of Eastern Tianshan. Mo mineralization is associated with the Donggebi porphyritic granite, occurring as numerous stockworks in the altered wall rocks....
Zhang FF, Wang YH, Liu JJ, Wang JP (2015) Zircon U–Pb and molybdenite Re–Os geochronology, Hf isotope analyses, and whole-rock geochemistry of the Donggebi Mo deposit, eastern Tianshan, Northwest China, and their geological significance. Int Geol Rev 57:446–462...
2015. Zircon U-Pb and molybdenite Re-Os geochronology,Hf isotope analyses,and whole- rock geochemistry of the Donggebi Mo deposit,Eastern Tianshan, Northwest China, and their geological significance. International Geology Review,57( 4) : 446 - 462...
Zircon crystals from the buried porphyritic granite yield a weighted average (206)pb/U-238 age of 236 +/- 2.2 Ma (MSWD = 1.2,1 sigma, n = 17), slightly older than the molybdenite Re-Os isotope ages of 231-234 Ma, suggesting that the Donggebi porphyry Mo deposit was formed in the...