【#诗歌里的24节气# 】Dongzhi (冬至) Winter Solstice 天时人事日相催,冬至阳生春又来。 Heaven and earth press to change from day to day. From winter solstice spring will come without delay. 冬至是24...
Dongzhi, the 22nd of the 24 solar terms, is one of the oldest solar terms and perhaps the clearest marker of change in the calendar. In ancient times, it was almost as significant as Spring Festival, the Chinese New Year. Aft...
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Dongzhi is the 22nd solar term of a year, which when the daytime is shortest and night is longest. It was also the first settled solar term in the Chinese history. 冬至是一年中的第22个节气,此时白天最短,夜晚最长。...
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Winter Solstice, or Dongzhi in Chinese, is the 22nd solar term of a year. It usually falls around December 22, when the daytime is the shortest and the night is the longest. 冬至,一年中的第二十二个节气,通常在每年的公历12月22日前后到来,是一年中白昼最短,黑夜最长的一天。