Pretty much average EE professor. Exams are tough. Labs not written very well. Class is optional, might as well just read the lecture slides because going to class didn't help much. Nice guy but curve isn't really that generous, about a 5 percent curve with exam average in the 50s and...
Director of the Education, Science, Culture, and Health Working Committee of the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress, Sun Fujin, stated the following: The president of the China Liquor Distribution Association is Wang Xinguo. Attendees of the forum included Yin Ye, CEO ...
We consulted Professor Liang, the main developer of the PLUS model, who pointed out that if the net change in land use in the study area is not large, the FoM must not be high and suggested an evaluation of the FoM value of each sub-basin in the large area. We further obtained the...