groom, curry, dress - give a neat appearance to; "groom the dogs"; "dress the horses" 13. do - travel or traverse (a distance); "This car does 150 miles per hour"; "We did 6 miles on our hike every day" go, locomote, move, travel - change location; move, travel, or proceed...
Because at that point, it was a bit like a sliding doors moment for me because I could have been that guy who I was talking to, he was going back into corporate world, who would have said, well, I never got the life I wanted because I didn’t do it. Whereas I’ve really put ...
I know its not a huge amount but the additional 16 horses you get from the TFC make a difference when compared to the stock bike Ride quality & brakes 4 out of 5 For the rider it is 5 out of 5, have spent 10 hours a day riding, I have never had any aches or pains, do not...
What about infantry? Trench strafing was a big part of the job for British and I assume French pilots in 1918. And during the German spring offensive. The British also straffed Germans as they were advancing along the roads, shooting up and bombing men and horses/wagons. Generally IL2 both...
“And I wanted to deal with that with my design.”Once a child has used up their daily allowance gained through exercise, the television automatically switches off. And further time in front of the TV can only be earned through more steps....
Vision There is a quote attributed to Henry Ford, "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." We know that you are fully aware of what your business challenges are, but not always sure what a solution might look like. It is our ultimate vision to hel...
If the first book was about Laure trying to get what she wanted and deserved, only for her to see its dark side, then the second book was about Laure trying to find who she is and what she really wants out of life now that the Paris Ballet is behind her. Jamison Shea handles that...
A retired teacher, Rissler shares her home in Weld County, Colorado, with her husband, Rick, two horses, one dog and 12 highland cows; she calls it the “Ain’t Right Ranch” — a name that feels increasingly fitting as the number of oil and gas facilities n...
I wanted to have a cool pantry but it sucked. Then I moved out and now i don’t even have a pantry anymore. When I grow up one of two dreams will come true: 1) i will travel around the whole world 2) i will have a pantry as beautiful as this one. I wonder which one!
“On most days of a week, I travel across the county to take care of horses. It is a lot of work, but I love it. Emma’s mouth fell open. “What a life that is, she thought. At that moment, Emma could see her future. She was going to be a vet and take care of horses...