There are a number of trusted international organizations involved in poverty and crisis relief in Pakistan, as well as a number of Pakistani organizations and companies with branches in other countries that coordinate aid in times of disaster. Contacting these organizations is the surest way to give...
How Can You Donate to Sandy Relief? Here Are 9 OrganizationsPeople across the United States are donating money, supplies, andtime to help people affected...By TerryAllison
(WFP) for flood victims in Pakistan, $4,300 to UNICEF for the earthquake victims in Haiti, $5,800 to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Kenya for drought victims in the Horn of Africa and $3,333 to UNHCR Japan for emergency relief in Somalia; ...
BEIJING,April20 (Xinhua) --TheCommunistYouthLeagueCentralCommitteehasallocatedonemillionyuan(160,256U.Sdollars)fromitsmembershipfundtosupportreliefeffortsaftera7.0-magnitudeearthquakejoltedsouthwestChina'sSichuanProvinceSaturdaymorning. Theleague'sSichuanlocalcommitteedispatcheda12-personvolunteerrescueteamtothequake-hi...
Given the situation, experienced aid organizations such as the Red Cross will ensure that our aid reaches those in need quickly and that appropriate care and support is given to the refugees. “ DRK General Secretary Christian Reuter said: “The donation from these two majo...
FreshDirect has launched a program to connect our customers with local community organizations that have a need for reusable bags.You are welcome to donate your FreshDirect bags to one of our partner organizations. Please be sure that your bags are clean, in good condition, and free from labels...
To add to a common fund or common purpose. Everyone in the office was asked to contribute towards the holiday party. 9 Donate To give money or goods for a good cause, for example to a charity. She decided to donate $100 to the disaster relief fund. 8 Contribute To play a significant...
Emergency Relief Flood Relief Heavy Rains Earthquake Relief Crisis Relief Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Heat Stroke Victims Covid-19 Educational Programs Mount Hira School OSC school Rural Areas Program Slum Areas Program Provision of water Ramadan Ration and Iftar ...
3.55% are added to cover bank charges for Online Transaction. Rs. 24 additional bank charges will be added if amount is less than or equal to Rs. 8000. Info: As per requirements of SECP, all donations above Rs. 20,000/- must be received through banking channels. Organizations can no ...