1. Many corporations donate a percentage of their profits to charity each year. (许多公司每年都会捐出一定比例的利润用于慈善事业。) 此句体现了企业社会责任的常见做法,是网络上常见信息。 2. We decided to donate $100 to the Red Cross to help victims of the recent earthquake. (我们决定向红十字会...
Some corporate donors like to use Benevity, and we are a listed charity, so you can have your organization donate (often anonymously) to RPG Research bysharing this link with your employer to donate to RPG Research. Just one $50k benefactor per year can cover our entire year's worth of c...
So, this time, we’ll talk about five open-source and free-to-use privacy tools that you can support via Kivach. As we’ve mentioned in previous articles, Kivach is a powerful and user-friendly charity platform based in Obyte. It’s designed to donate cryptocurrencies to open-source ...
the profits cannot be distributed to shareholders. Huge wealth can be accumulated as long as it is kept within the organization. In the event of a not-for-profit winding up, any excess capital is to be distributed to other charities
This is a very popular way of giving gifts to charity — a gift you can arrange now to create a legacy. Through a TrustThrough a trust, your assets are managed so they may extend into and well beyond your living years. You specify through the trust what assets are to be included, ...