Roughly 18 years ago, a woman named Susan Potter asked to donate her body to science when she died. Now,she lives on as the highest-resolution digital cadaverthat exists to date. Potter’s story, detailed in the January issue ofNational Geographic, has inspired many people to ask: How do...
What is the process to donate your body to science in New York State? So, I decided to look into this. What do you have to do to donate your body to science? To be honest, I can't even believe that I looked into this. Get our free mobile app Here are a few things that I ...
And what should you know before deciding to donate your own body to science? Who Can Donate Their Body to Science? Just because you’ve signed up to become a body donor doesn’t mean you will be eligible at your time of death. If you have contracted a communicable disease—like HIV,...
These 2 women have given the gift of life to their husbands, and will continue to touch many lives. One of the most beautiful and inspiring things to read -especially in times like these. Chase from Colorado Springs, Colorado. OCTOBER 27, 2021 Beautiful. It give me hope.Amen....
Sarkis said he reached out to the Hawaii Department of Education and plans to work with Astronomers Without Borders. As a teacher myself, my ethos is that I want students and adults — everybody — to have the opportunity to look at this really amazing event. –Roger Sarkis Sarki...
The survey asked respondents to indicate which of the proposed definitions they thought best described the biobanking process.N= 441 (41.9%) respondents indicated that in their opinion, biobanking is a process in which body fluid or tissue samples, genetic data and medical data (medical history, ...