Donald Trump The MJCast A Michael Jackson Podcast Tag Archives:Donald Trump 170: That Broken Guitar String Posted onOctober 5, 2024byElise Capron—1 Comment ↓ BlueskyThreadsXFacebookMastodonReddit Audio Player 00:00 00:00 Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume....
Image of National Anthem Crowd at Coors Field Source: Image of VA Accountability Poster Source: Image of President Trump Speaking Source: Image of SOU Pan Wide Source: ...
Madeleine Sheehan Perkins
Linguistic irresponsibility comes in many faces. Donald Trump is the carrier of an extreme form. Numerous observers have noted traits of linguistic poverty, even pathology, in his public discourse, such as his simple syntax and limited vocabulary, his delight in transgressing rules of courtesy and ... Thats interesting but in the article you cite, it states, "Recently the case has been highlighted as a potential precedent to treat online communication media like Facebook as a public space to prevent it from censoring speech. However, in Manhattan ...
I am no Trump fan. I do not vote. The system is broken. But Trump did not say that. He did not say inject bleach. He was thinking out loud when he said stuff about doing ultraviolet light inside the body and a disinfectant inside the body. Well, I have done that. Repeatedly....
“Swamp Time With Donald Trump” @ This is my STATE-OF-THE-ART Video Platform AND I OWN It! It Bypasses ALL Jew-Censorship. ALL Jew-Ruled EU Countries Can NOW View ALL My Vids Without JEW-CENSORSHIP! @ http://brothernathanaelcha...
Don Quixote, in the first part of the book, does not see the world for what it is and prefers to imagine that he is living out a knightly story." - Wikipedia. thermodynamic Suspended May 3, 2009 1,341 1,192 USA Mar 9, 2016 #606 developer13245 said: ...
Even so, that’s only 1 of 44 previous presidencies — and 1 of 57 previous presidential terms — to end in the president’s termination. Therefore, you might think the chance of Trump being removed from office is very low. But it’s not that simple. ...