He also had some judgemental and criticizing comments to say about another potential presidential candidate, the Jewish senator Bernie Sanders. Regarding Sanders, Trump said,“I don’t think a man of deep religion would be agreeing to the Bernie Sanders plan.” Using religion to his benefit was ...
Donald J. Trump and the Enduring Religion Factor in US ElectionsThe 2016 presidential candidacy of Donald J. Trump posed a special challenge for many religious-motivated voters, especially those long associated with the religious right movement that has long anchored the Republican Party....
is significant as France is the pivot of European civilization, as well as being the eldest daughter of the Church. The French, themselves, have had their culture and religion atrophy over the past century but there still is a beating heart of France in there…and for Trump to attend the ...
Donald Trump provokes democratic anxieties which we had ignored in our comparative research because he violates tacit cognitive, normative, and causal assumptions which we had taken for granted. By challenging these implicit assumptions, Donald Trump has pushed them into the open. In this sense, his...
Barack Obama religion conspiracy theories - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org But do you not see the bias at play here? If he had a "normal looking" name, it's reasonable not to believe that the conspiracies would've been as effective as they turned out to be. Click...
In an effort to clarify the relationship between thejuvenile sorcererand the real-estate tycoon, the study controlled for factors that are already known to affect how an individual views Trump — things like gender, age, education, party affiliation and religion. The study found that self-identifi...
Trump's rise to prominence has included elements of fascism: xenophobic nationalism, scapegoating and disinformation, sexism, hate of the free press, militant defense of the predominant religion, and obsession with crime and punishment. Gage Skidmore via Wikipedia Commons, CC-BY-SA 3.0 ...
Donald Trump is the 45th and 47th U.S. president who was previously a real estate mogul and reality TV star. Read about his education, wife, children, and more.
Image of National Anthem Crowd at Coors Field Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Star-Spangled_Banner#/media/File:Usnationalanthemcrowd.JPG Image of VA Accountability Poster Source: Veterans.house.gov Image of President Trump Speaking Source: WhiteHouse.gov ...
President Trump: True. That’s very true, actually. That is why I am deploying federal law enforcement to protect our monuments, arrest the rioters, and prosecute offenders to the fullest extent of the law.Audience: Four more years! Four more years! Four more years!