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Never gif up! Evidencier-Slapper Nohemí . . 显示下一条评论 Trump Donald You could take the five worst presidents in American history and they would not have done the damage Joe Biden has done in just 13 months. We have a president representi...
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyonetellingyou what the truth is, or claiming they havethe answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant. TLAV Music: https://so...
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Abra e compartilhe este GIF donald, trump, reaçao, com todos que você conhece. O GIF com as dimensões 480 x 480px foi carregado por um usuário anônimo. Baixe os gifs donald trump, mais populares em GIFER
工作需要在MATLAB中绘制质点轨迹并保存成GIF以便展示。 绘制质点轨迹动图可用comet和comet3命令,使用例子如下: t = 0:.01:2*pi; x = cos(2*t).*(cos(t).^2); y = sin(2*t).*(sin(t).^2); z = t; comet(x,y,0.1); %绘制二维 ...
Holt unsuccessfully tried to fact-check Trump in the moment, saying, “The quote was, ‘She doesn’t have the presidential look'” — which Trump summarily ignored. Clinton, on the other hand, took her opponent’s statement at face value: ...
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