Donald J. Trump deserves to be indicted. Just ask people like Stephen King, Rob Reiner, Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, Nancy Pelosi, the gaslighting crew and indoctrinated puppets. On second thought, you won’t have to ask them. They’re busy trying to draw you into what appears to be thei...
trump is obviously not a smart man, and is a sad-assed, low-intelligence, low-IQ, low-energy, perverted, mind-filthy, Snowflake-Flavored Cupcake craven COWARD. His perverse predilections are vulgar and antithetical to simple common decency, minimal standards of morality, and The Rule of Law...
“Fourteen days left until the presidency, she’s taking a day off,” Trump said. “This is not what you want.” He went on to attack Harris in deeply personal terms, calling her “slow” and “low IQ” to laughs from the friendly audience. “Who the hell takes of...
Donald Trump Is No Liberal on Trade; Get-Tough Views on China Recall Roots of Republican Party
Trump 吹 Elon Musk……老唐刚刚在推上预告了他接受 CNBC 的采访,主持人 Joe Kernen 问他怎么看特斯拉市值比通用和福特加起来还高,老唐二话不说把 Elon 一顿暴吹,为了让你们感受到老唐原汁原味的话风,我做一个完整翻译:“你必须信任他。我最近才找他聊过,他也在搞火箭,他喜欢火箭。对了,他很擅长搞火箭...
“Swamp Time With Donald Trump” @ This is my STATE-OF-THE-ART Video Platform AND I OWN It! It Bypasses ALL Jew-Censorship. ALL Jew-Ruled EU Countries Can NOW View ALL My Vids Without JEW-CENSORSHIP! @ http://brothernathanaelcha...
Anyone Talking About a Trump “Mandate” Is Playing You for a Fool Tom Cotton is a genuinely dangerous presence in our politics today. He is just as much of a megalomaniac as the president* is, and is a hundred IQ points smarter. He shares with El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago a...
Reports that New York appeals court upheld Donald Trump's right to build the tallest apartment building across from the United Nations' headquarters in New York City. Height of the building; Court's reason for favoring Trump in its ruling; Information on the neighborhood's opposition to Trump'...
Donald Trump sued over Trump SoHo hotel-condo | Fox BusinessFox Business